Snow Chicken Ride Report/Area Trail Conditions.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Got a make this a quick one guys:
The The Snow Chicken Fingers (as Napper would call it - is he always thinkin about either food?) went real well today with over 60 riders in attendance, GREAT TIME!! It was 3 degrees at my house this morning when I left and it was still only 14 out went we hit the woods up North. We did over 50 miles and most of it was Sled Trails. There was still good enough base that the sledders were out too which proved interesting! There were spots on the trail that were REAL tricky at speed even with screws in the tires. NOBODY got hurt and we all made it back with NO major break Downs - a GENUINE perfect day!!
The North woods single trail (Tin Cup, Manistee Loops, Big "O", Lincoln Hills) are NOT ridable at this time!! There is a base of about 15" still on the ground and it is just not doable yet.. We found that the first rider could manage in some spots but EVERYONE after him ICKED!! Until we get some more warmer weather up there single trackin is out of the picture.
Just got home and noticed that our new snow is GONE so Cedar Creek should be lookin pretty good!!
I have some pics on my Digital but it is buried - hope to have some up in the very near future!!
there ya have it :)


Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 19, 2002
Thanks Woodsy once again for the timely report. I am jealous! Wish I coulda made it up!! Sorry to hear all that snow is still in the woods. Hopefully it won't be there much longer!
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