
Oct 16, 2000
hey guys,
I have a 98 YZ 250 and I need to get a spark arrester, I already have aftermarket pipe and silencer by pro circuit so I don't want to buy the two in one silencer/SA. and I hate the look of the huge sparky hanging off the back of the silencer, so my question is, do they make a SA that slides inside the Silencer and can be easily removed and installed, like a small screen that slips into just the very end of the silencer, if so is there a website I can order one or where did you guys get yours. Any ideas would help greatly,


May 23, 2001
Spark Arresters

I've looked through several of my parts catalogs (Dennis Kirk, Chapparall... ect...) for the same thing you are describing with no luck. I am also very interested the same type of spark arrester... if it exists...

I had planned a 2 night, 2 day trip with two friends at Hungry Valley (Gorman). After arriving pretty late friday night, we found out there we some intense winds which made the night rather uncomfortable, but we didnt care, we had two days of awesome riding ahead, and it would be my last ride for a long while. My medical insurance was going to cancelled one week after the trip ended on my 19th B-Day.

Well none of us got a wink of sleep that night and about 10:30am, a forestry cop (ranger?) came up and threatend the 3 of us each with a $580.00 ticket for not having "U.S. Forest Service Approved" Spark arresters. We didnt get the tickets thank goodness, But we did get asked to leave the riding area. None of our helmets ever got out of their bags.

We got away with a warning on the spark arresters, but becareful, if you get caught without a spark arrester, you may not be as lucky as the three of us were.

I didnt mean to turn this into a ride report:confused: sorry about that. If anyone has any info leading to where we can find our dream spark arrester, please let us know. Thank you in advance!



Jul 13, 2001
you can get one of those sparky spark arrestors that bolt to back of you scilncer. they are about 75 dollars. i saw have seen them in the dennis kirk catologe.
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