I'm sure we could give-out 100 or so plaques at DW for all those that help out, but I just wanted to toss out huge thanks to Will Pattison of Tucker Rocky.
Will took on DW the way a title sponsor should and more. It wasn't a case of just donating some stuff to give away and making a sales pitch, he was involved in the planning all year long and brought a LOT of good ideas to the table. He understands what DW is all about and was deeply involved in putting together what we all enjoyed last week.
Hey Will....
"Right On"
Will took on DW the way a title sponsor should and more. It wasn't a case of just donating some stuff to give away and making a sales pitch, he was involved in the planning all year long and brought a LOT of good ideas to the table. He understands what DW is all about and was deeply involved in putting together what we all enjoyed last week.
Hey Will....
"Right On"
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