
Jul 23, 2000
Hi, I think my fork and shock springs have softened out through the years.
Do springs soften out through the years and should be replaced after a few years of use ?
Does anyone have the standard length for the springs so that I will be able to compare them to the length of my springs ?
My bike's suspension performs quite well in a variety of tracks (MX to trail rocks) but I can bottom both ends quit easily in the MX track.



Jul 23, 2000
Does anyone know if it is possible to restore the original length to the springs (by heat for example) ?


Mar 16, 2000
Springs don't "get soft". They may, over time, shorten (sack-out) to a certain extent, but the rate does not change.

The only way to change a rate of a spring is to change the dimensions of the wire - wire length, diameter, etc.

While it may be possible to get a spring back to it's original length, I'm not sure there's any good - or safe - way to do it. When a spring is made properly, part of the process is to heat treat and set the spring. Springs that are done properly in the first place are the ones that don't break or sack out easily. If you heat the spring again to try and stretch it back to it's original length, you are messing with the original heat treat (if there was one) and the actual molecular structure of the material. This could make the metal brittle, causing the springs to break.

Don't waste your time trying to revive sacked-out springs. Spend the money on a good quality spring. That's the only way to get your suspension to work properly.
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