Oldguy, thanks for the information. I was praying that it looked worse then it was, although I knew it was very bad. I was sitting about 6 rows up from were he hit with my 8 year old daughter who starting trail riding last year. I just hugged her, turned her away and told her she didn't need to see. I tracked backwards from the arenacross cross website from those that did not start. There were two and a friend rulled one out. I called the sponsor out in wisconsin rapids and they heard the news but were unable to verify it with the family. I called the hospital yesterday and they did confirm they had a patient in icu that I believed to be the rider. Where did you hear that he passed away? The name I came up with was Scott Rowe. My thoughts are with the family. If you ride, re-consider indoors. If you choose to ride indoors, please take this to heart and be careful. Never say that couldn't happen to me. Oldguy, I hope your son works thru this, be there for him. The vision and the "what if's and why's" haven't stop running thru my head since that nite. It will be sometime before I get over it myself.