Steahly flywheel weight removal


Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
I believe it is threaded

When you buy one it comes with an adapter for installing and removing

Chuck is a helluva nice guy, actually rode amongst him today! (skipro would have had a chance too, had he not bailed!!) ;)


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
Sorry to have missed you, but then you should have called in sick Saturday. You should have known CC would leave me a quivering pile of bruses and broken parts. You really missed the carnage. Destroyed: Helmet, helmet visor, chest protector, glove, goggle lens, bark buster, steel boot toe plate, radio belt clip, and one fork air bleeder. Damaged: Knee (mine), nose, (CC's), dignity (mine as well). Most memerable moment: coming around a corner and seeing Doug's KX 500 hanging upside down leaning on a tree. Under the tree was a headlight, an orange front fender and some undertermined carbon fiber part, all indicating Doug was not the first to crash there. This was on a "green" run disignated specificly for small children. You guys start 'em early and raise 'em tough up there! I'll be up in a few weeks for the ISDN style race where we can meet up then.
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Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
The adaptor is a steel bar with a square hole in the middle and two smaller, round holes that allow 2 bolts to thread in and to the fly wheel weight. With the engine locked up, an air impact wrench is inserted into the square hole and the flywheel weight unscrews from the flywheel. You will need the origonal nut or a replacement if you take the flywheel weight off. Don't forget to loosen the small allen screws around the edge of the weight. Never use locktite on any of these parts.


Aug 18, 2002
OK thanks, I all ready took all of the set screws out around the sides, and started to use the holes in the middle to push it away from the flywheel. Thankfully I stopped before I screwed something up though. Does steahly sell a separate kit to remove/ install their weights or do you know where I can get one?


Oct 14, 1999
It may be different now...but the bolts I got with my Steahly for install/removal were threaded all the way to the bolt head. They didn't work too well with an mangled pretty quick.

I bought a couple bolts that were not threaded all the way up..they had an unthreaded shoulder that:
1. Is thicker
2. Is stronger
3. Doesn't goober the removal tool because there are no threads banging on it.

Good thing you didn't use the removal method you started to use. Have you priced a kdx flywheel? Can you say LOTS of money!!??


Apr 19, 2003
you might want to get the plastic dealy that goes in your spark plug hole from steahly to lock the motor. impact wrench? isnt the bolt only torqued to about 40 ft lbs?


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
An air impact wrench may jar the weight loose without the need of locking up the motor. At least it did with mine. Besides the only thing that sounds better than a 2 stroke motor is the sound of an air operated tool in the garage.
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