Street legal in Oregon or Washington?


Jun 18, 2001
I can't seem to find any info at the DMV site about making my 00 220 street legal. I even tried calling them and the loser that answered the phone was of no help. I saw one pass me on the street in washington turned around got up to about 120mph trying to catch him but he turned off somewhere and was gone. My Bro lives in Washington so I could register it there if needed.

Oregon Trail

Aug 2, 1999
You should be able to go down to the DMV and get a plate for your bike, but it's up to you to make it street legal. I've had friends just bolt them to the back and do nothing else. I couldn't find anything either on what Oregon requires, but try this to start


Oct 14, 1999
Hey...that vermont phone # sounds interesting.

I'd love to make my kdx 'street legal' and go ride around the union creek campground..and about the time the host's biddy wife tries running me down with her cart to read me the riot act, I can laugh in her face!

Yee Haw!!


May 3, 2002
Go down to the DMV and get the motorcycle driving manual. it tells you what is required for a street legal motorcycle on that page.

You will also need proof of insurance on the bike before getting a plate in Oregon. That can be hard on something that is not in your insurance companies database. I got away with it on my Xr600 cause I just tell them it is converted into a XL600. not so easy on the KDX.

Washington has cracked down big time. If it does not come from the factory street legal, it will not be in washington.


Nov 8, 2001
hey matt ny is tough too ,my kdx has a motorcycle not atv plate......i jumped through a lot of hoops .they finally gave it up,mine came from nj with a standard title but no street equipment.that's how i beat the "not factory not happenin" policy :)
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