Subframe mods


Apr 24, 2006
I am looking into lowering my bike so that it fits me. I am 5'5 and 175lbs. I am looking at all the options. I have already shaved my seat down and that helped out a bit but I need about one inch more.

I have been looking into getting a lowering link and adjusting the fork height to make the bike balanced but I cannot find a lowering link for a 2000 rm 250. (If someone knows of a manufacture that makes one please point me in the right direction?)

So the next option would be to modify my subframe to make it sit lower but I cannot seem to get any directions on how to do that. Do I have to get it professionally done or can I do that on my own? If you have had this done to your bike please let me know how you did it or if you had to sent it out to get it done then the shop name and address would be a great help.

The last option I have is to get the supsension lowered but that looks like it is going to run me about $500 -$600 dollars from what a local shop says. Don't know if that is a rip off or not? Maybe someone could tell me that? They said they were going to put in the correct spring ratings in the forks and add bushings. They were also going to put the correct spring rating for the rear shock and a custom built lowering link.

Any one with any suggestions or advise???? :whoa:



Dec 12, 2007
why don't you just adjust your sag on the rear suspension and raise the front forks about a quarter to a half inch wich will also give u better turning stability,,and this you could do it all ur self and its simple

Matt Fisher

Apr 17, 2002
Have you set the sag on the rear shock yet? If there's too much preload, that will cause the seat height to be higher (and it won't handle right).

How about cutting an inch out of the seat top, especially towards the front? Also, if you narrow the top edge of the seat, it has a similar effect as well, since your legs won't be as splayed when stopped.

I've read articles on lowering the subframe, they cut a small amount out of the 2 lower arms right where they bolt to the main frame, thereby lowering the seat height. A bit of welding seems to be the only item required. Be careful that it's not dropped so low that the tire hits hard at full compression (pull the spring off the shock to check), and that the muffler still fits properly. Lastly, this mod will not affect the seat height at the front of the seat since that mounting point remains the same. In conjunction with some cut foam however, it makes the total height lower.

From a $ standpoint, having the suspension lowered should be your last step.


Apr 24, 2006
Thanks for all the advise. :cool:

No thanks to Ikerthebiker :|


Jun 11, 2007

I Have the Same Problem as you ... 5'5 200lbs ... what did you end up doing ? Did shaving down the seat make it very uncomforable ? or did it feel the same ?