
Dec 23, 2002
I want a dual sport. Or better yet, a street legal dirt bike!

Currently I have a klr650 and a Cr500.

Bikes I am looking at are the xr650R, drz400, klx400(the dual sport klx)

I want something that can cope with MX trails, Wood trails. Be able to ride on the road at a reasonable speed. Perhaps some beach riding in deep sand.

Im looking for crazy power like the cr500. I know its hard to get, but does the xr650r come close, when uncorked and properly jetted?

My klr650 is way too Big and large to ride in bad terrain, I can do it. But very slowly. Im not really a mxer type, i like searching for places to ride. I cannot do jumps, but would like to try learning it. I want a bike that can wheelie well!

Is the xr650r as difficult to kickstart as a cr500?

I love the sound of Thumpers, specially big singles like 600's. The drz400 and klx400 weight about the same as the xr650r. The xr, is at 277lbs.

Other bikes, im considering are cr250, xr400. But they would be hard to dual sport. Specially the cr.

The riding is on the east cost, where the trails are tight, and sometimes technical. Ive ridden the klr over some technical terrain, but its the sort of bike that you never know you will make it.

If i get the drz, will i be dissappointed in the power?

Any suggestions?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Why not DS a KTM 4T, they come that way in Europe so you could even get factory parts for the conversion plus it would be a killer east coast bike right out of the box.


Feb 18, 2002
KTM 525 EXC?  They come stock with full road reg here in australia, not sure about where you live though.  But the big ktm sounds good for you. 


Oct 31, 2002
What about the KTM LC/4's or whatever they're called? I always heard they were just street legal dirtbikes, meaning 90% dirtbike, 10%street and relatively light weight.


Dec 23, 2002
I have heard things about the ktm 525 exc. People have told me I WOULD LOVE IT. And I LOVE KTM :). But I do not know much about it. And its very expensive. But im going to look into it.

Another prob with KTM's, They are just so pretty!! It would be a shame to drop it. They are works of art.

Anyone know how reliable this 525 is? How does it handle offroad and on the road? How is servicing it like?


Feb 18, 2002
A good riding buddy of mine had a  02 KTM 520 EXC.  He rode it every day, and it really never gave him any troubble.    He changed the oil and cleaned the air filter on a reguler basis, lubed his cables, all the usual stuff but other than that never touched it.  Never even adjusted the valves once!  Bike was also very reliable, the E-start was great as well :).    Never did the bike break down on him.

He had it for about 9 months and then sold it for a YZF450, becuase he wanted to race MX.

The bike handled very well off road, took the jumps very nicley, and seemed to feel very light for a big bore enduro like itself.  He never really took it on the road though, although I will try and get onto him and ask how it went.  

Good luck :)





Dec 23, 2002
Im leaning towards the xr650r, At the store the xr400r and the xr650r look just about the same size.

On my cr500, im able to pickup the rear of the bike if i am stuck. But im wondering If i am going to be able to do this on the xr650r or the xr400r?


Jan 4, 2003
I dont think you would have to adjust them NEAR that often. The factory probably puts a very strict maintence schedual to protect themselves against people complaining about engine problems.
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