
Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 11, 2001
Dear Jeremy,
I just recently got a '98 KX 250 that was probably set for some scrawny little mx'er and I'd like to get it set up for my larger that average buttocks. I'm 6'0" & 250lbs. It's going to mostly be a play/trail bike that will probably race cross country stuff, w/ a possible mx or two thrown in, in the future. I'm a beginner/novice(had a '72 DT250 when I was 14) and haven't spent much time on the bike as of yet, due to weather and other conflicts. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Nov 13, 1999
Allright another full sized dude.

(*High five*)

Due to your novice status, my inexpert advice is to enjoy the low seat height caused by the springs being set up for a flyspeck motocrosser. When you are very comfortable with the bike you will probably want to increase the spring rate (new springs) especially in the rear.

As a novice, you need to learn a lot about basic technique (like keeping your elbows up and look where you want to go - you go where you look). Optimizing your machine comes later.

Jeremy Wilkey

Owner, MX-Tech
Jan 28, 2000
You will need .46's and a 5.4 in the rear when the time comes. I agree with Mace.. It's best to sort out your riding first. After you begin to have issues with it's perfromance, then make changes...



Apr 9, 2001
I was in a simular situation ... I am 6'2" / 220lb and recently got a KX250. I used to race a CR125 10 years ago, but if I raced today I would be in the 250 beginner class for sure. I also do mostly playriding, but will have a few cross-country & mx races thrown in.

Anyway, I referred to the race-tech website for spring rate recommendations. I went with .46's in the front, and let me tell you, those babies are stiff! Quite honestly, I probably could have gone with .44s and been better off. Since you are 30 lbs more than me, the .46s would be just right for you. I have only adjusted the preload on the stock rear spring, and that feels fine for now.

Have fun!

1995 (fork leakin' & plug foulin') KX250

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