Suspension Revalving


Oct 23, 2002
I'd like to send my forks and shock in to be revalved and serviced...any recomendations as to who to send them to that will get it right the first time?


Jul 2, 2002
yea FCR suspension does all of my stuff, for both of my bikes and my brothers. HE got my kdx right the first time, and he is the best suspensin company i have every rode for. His web site is, and his phone numbr is 330-385-3278. and tel him Jimmy Woodford sent you. His prices ar really good also.


Sponsoring Member
Apr 30, 2002
Let me first qualify my opinion with "I am a VERY slow rider compared to just about anyone I ride with".

Despite my lack of natural talent or courage, I sent my forks to MX-Tech and have been happy with the results. Before, I had most of the typical KDX issues - diving on downhills, harshness on roots & rocks, and washouts at unexpected times. Now when I hit something in the trail, I don't worry about the front end anymore, but I've noticed the rear end kicking me in the a**. Have been fooling around with clickers to get rid of it, no luck yet.

May end up sending Jeremy my shock next spring if I can't solve it, cause he sure fixed the forks up well. :thumb:


Oct 14, 1999
Recommendations are will come down to who you trust. THAT will likely come from YOU being happy with the guy that last worked on your bike.

Anecdotally: I sent my forks/shock to mx-tech. With shipping and all..about $800 later I was kinda kicking myself for spending so much money. Didn't seem that big of a deal. $hi+!

Then...I got the front springs sorted out (several swaps later). THAT helped alot. BUT, the big deal was being able to ride an unmodified kdx up/down the same trail I'd just ridden on my 'ho-hum' revalved/resprung bike.

I scairt myseff!! The oem kdx was at the very least a the very worst an accident waiting to happen. I changed my mind right then. Having event officials ride my bike and say, 'Nice suspension' helped, too! Keep in mind that I've been riding bikes for over 30 years..STREET bikes. Only been in the dirt for a bit over three. I'm no RC or JF.

TRUSTing your suspension is a big deal, too. A goodly suspended bike will save yur butt a BUNCH of times..if you let it! You have to be much less averse to tackling the more nasty stuff...cuz that's what you spent the $800 (in my case) for!

ALSO...the response and service I got from jeremy whilst dealing with the multiple spring issues was excellent! That matters much, too. He talked to me about the problems, sent parts out to fix it forthwith...MORE THAN ONCE. Can't put a price on that.

Conversely, the next year I carried my shock into another suspension tuner (vs: sending it thousands of miles away) for an annual service. He took a look at the shim stack and said, 'Your bike does <this>.' No question..just a statement. As I'd picked up a good amount of speed over the past year, I'd become aware of the shock not being quite right. I could 'click' it better, but couldn't resolve the problem. Hesitantly, I told him to change it to what he thought it should be.

Here is where a LOCAL tuner is of value. This guy knows what riding conditions are like in this area. It's kinda like skiing on the local slopes. The adage goes, 'If you can ski ashland, you can ski anywhere.' If the only place you ski is here, you think that ALL slopes are STEEP and likely ICE! Then you go to a REAL slope like bachelor or colorado and you think, 'Piece of cake!'

So it is with riding here, too.

Anyway, my shock worked much it STICKS to the ground it seems. That's not to say there was something 'wrong' with the way it was, but it is better having been attended to by someone that knows the area.

If YOU don't have a local guy that you know, trust and are confident in, I'd recommend mx-tech. That POV obviously not from having service done by 40-gadozen tuners.

A lot of blah to no particular end, 'eh?

'Go with your strengths,' is a good thing! ;)
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Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
I had good luck with MX tech too.
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