Suthin SpodeFest 2003

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
How many of you can say that you went riding and come home with a new toilet?

How many of you are feeling the whoops from the Saturday ride at Manchester?

Many details to follow but I have to say this...Lemming didn't spank me *too* badly! :scream:


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
I am so sore today that I can barely move. I feel bad for _SOLO_ though... he was tired too but he had to listen to my babbling all the way back to Spartanburg so he didn't get to take a nap like I did. I have driven that stretch so often I can sleep, drive and talk all at the same time :)



Jul 3, 2000
I agree on the soreness. Got home and showered and found bruises all over. They didn't come from the track either! Mostly from Ike's MX class!

Full report to follow when I wake up completely...

I will say it was another great time with great people....


May 22, 2000
I am indeed sore from not one, but two days of whoop pounding at Manchester. As the above have also stated my report will also be given this evening when I'm not at work. Had a great time though even though I didn't get to make it to TNT for the Sunday ride. More to follow.............

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Part One:

I was itching to get out of work Friday. Lemming and MXTuna both arrived in Augusta about 4:00. My boss came around at 4:00 and said we could all leave early! I met them over at the Walmart where they were stocking up on Geritol, Depends, and other senior items.

The ride home from Augusta (90 miles) was kinda scarey because they kept getting behind me so I had to go faster to get out of their way!

Finally got home, got bikes and stuff situated, then went to dinner. Tooner and Lemming were hitting on the waitresses (I was soo embarassed).

Got back to the house about the time that _SOLO_ showed up. Rearranged a few more bikes and started working on Lemming's Lemon. It seems he has a wierd rear tire that keeps eating tubes. ;) Mark put a tube in (on the first try!) and then started on the numbers. I'm NOT going to tell y'all what Lemming *was* going to use for numbers, but I had some extras that were were able to put on instead. While all of this bike work was going on Lemming and I were making sure that we were properly hydrated. ;) I kept telling Tooner that the numbers were crooked, but he kept blaming it on my method of hydration.

Tucked Tooner and family in upstairs and locked Lemming and _SOLO_ in the RV then settled down for 5 hours of restless sleep.

(to be continued...)


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Well, first off... the fest could not have came at a better time! One more week and I probably would have just gotten out of the sport altogether and became a monk somewhere.

This past weekend we had the Suthin SF at TNT. Unfortunately, due to the rain the trails were closed so the SF was sorta fragmented. On Saturday a lot of people went to Manchester for some trail riding while I and the other half stayed and rode the track at TNT. The traction was almost perfect and the changes to the track were AWESOME.

I can't comment on the Manchester exploits other than the lies I heard from Gomer. However, one *almost* truth did come out. First, Gomer posted how he fixed MX Tuners and Lemmings bike the night before but we found out that wasn't the case but then MX Tuner was talking about his sore back and Gomer was smiling and trying not to talk and covering his mouth. This lasted all of maybe 25 seconds before Gomer started jumping up and down, pointing at MX Tuner and screaming "I spanked you, I spanked you, I spanked you" like a 5 year old girl! However, none of us believed it and thought Gomer was just talking about the night before when they were at Gomer's house. Even now I'm not sure if Gomer is telling the truth with pride or MX Tuner is just letting Gomer live in fantasy land :)

Ok, backup... James, Linus, Lemming, Wrench, SpokerAce, _SOLO_, Brad (from my work) and a couple others hit the track. My arms start hurting right off the bat. From my funny bone to the tip of my pinky I felt like I was being stabbed. I tried not to let it bother me and tried to keep up with Lemming who has gotten really fast in MX and is even better on his new CR450F.

The changes to the track were really nice. The track is still jumpy but the landings are rounded more and there is a lot more forgiveness built in to things so you can work your way up to the jump better. Some have said that the track was too easy but last week John Dowd happened to show up on a Friday and when some of the other riders said it was too easy he replied back that he thought it was a great practice track and that he would like to have one like that in MA. I guess you can call that an expert review :)

By the third lap I was jumping all but 4 things out there and 2 of those I have jumped before but just didn't feel too confident about it. By the end of the day there was only the filled in Gully, ant hill and long step up that used to be a triple that I was not doing. I did do another step up though where you have a long face and you hit it in second and land softly up on top... it was probably the coolest jump I've ever done and is right now my favorite jump on the entire track!

We did our usual ride a few laps, rest, lie about how fast we were then ride a little more.

As for the lies... well, I'll be honest - Lemming is faster than he lets on (I am not sure but I think he was the fastest Spode out there), Wrench is turning better than last year, Brad is much faster with his new seat tank combo, Linus really moves in the corners (get him a bike with updated suspension and we are all in trouble) and James is riding almost as fast as me coming back from a broken shoulder... I think the couch riding he has done has actually helped him. This year is going to be fun racing with him... at least for the beginning of the season until he gets back into riding shape and starts leaving my tail again!

After we got tired out we decided to watch MX Tuner throw a top end in _SOLO_'s yz125 in less time than it takes Gomer to drink one fermented beverage! I bet MX Tuner would have done it faster if he didn't have so many people talking to him the entire time.

Saturday night we ate some of Linus' ribs that he cooked for us. DAMN those were the BEST ribs I have EVER had. I am not a fan of ribs too much but I could eat those ribes 4 or 5 times a week they were so damn good. Mucho impresso!

After some BS'ing and watching the Great Outdoors we all roll out and hit the bed. I slept in my trailer and was very comfortable thanks to Lemming's big propane heater. Then at 4am I get up and when I come back I try to light the heater to get comfortable again. It took me 2 hours before I finally gave up! I was so pissed and worried that I broke it. Turns out I'm just stupid b/c I forgot to press a little red button to help ignite it! Doh!!!

Anyway, the MX school came way too soon the next morning. I had only had a few hours of sleep and was feeling really bad and ran down. I tried to move onward though.

The school was fun. Ike Dejagger is a very entertaining and fun teacher. He showed me a lot I was doing wrong, including my arm position. When I thought they were up they were too far up and when I would relax they would go too far down. Now I have a much better understanding of where my arms and the rest of my body should be. Once he cleared up my mistakes with my arms the other positions were much easier and balance improved a lot.

We did everything in 1st or 2nd gear except for some races to and around a tire but it was very informative and gave me a lot to work on on my own. At least now when I work on it I have an example to go by and can relate it to something I have done so I know whether it is wrong or not.

Lemming and this other guy Al were the stars of the class. Al showed us just how much power a CR500 really has and how hard it is to control... he was much faster on the 250! Lemming showed us how to start a CR450F since he kept stalling so often :) Wrench and Brad had a little contest on who could crash the most graceful but Mike came out of the wood work to have what I think is the best one when doing a stoppie :) Jeremy was the most consistent and I can't think of anything to say about how he was riding... damnit! <vbg>

After the class though I loaded up and just stayed around to bs. I was wore out and felt sick. I felt sick the rest of the day and still am a little under the weather today but have a lot more energy than before. I am sore as can be but am happy for it.

I then helped keep people off the track during a maintenance period and got to laugh at Dave after he lost his keys! Luckily they found them a little later and in all honesty... I didn't laugh until after we found them. I promise Dave, really! <g> Dave has a new YZ250 but he spent a little time on his little YZ133. I personally think he needs the YZ250 to even have a chance racing in JMX next year so I hope he doesn't get too sentimental ;) He definately needs to start using that extra power before his son gets on a bigger bike and makes him look really slow :-)

The fest was a great time and it was so good to see so many great people. I only wish I could have ridden with Brian, Angie, Grinch and the rest of the GOR dudes on Sunday. I'm sorry guys, I was too whooped.

A special thank you goes out to Barbara who owns TNT. She was wonderful and gave and gave and gave of her time and her facility so we could have a good time. Without her and TNT I would miss out on so many great things this sport has to offer. We love you Barbara and we appreciate you tremendously... THANK YOU!

Thanks also to Gomer who picked up the ball and got everything organized. With some of the other things lately I have not put the effort into planning that like I should have done. Gomer is much busier than I but he still picked it up and helped make the fest a great time. I do not know what this sport would be like without him!

I am so glad that everyone made it and look forward to next year when we do it again. And for the JMX racing crew (James, Wrench, SpokerAce, Mike T and Dave) I am really looking forward to the hot Saturday nights racing under the lights and telling lies!



Jan 17, 2001
Originally posted by Truespode
And for the JMX racing crew (James, Wrench, SpokerAce, Mike T and Dave) I am really looking forward to the hot Saturday nights racing under the lights and telling lies!

You don't ever lie Ivan.........Right? At least that's what James said.


Jan 17, 2001
Originally posted by Truespode
And you believed James? Sheesh... :)

That's right, you are a much better.............truth stretcher than he is. ;)


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Originally posted by High Speed Gomer
... The ride home from Augusta (90 miles) was kinda scarey because they kept getting behind me so I had to go faster to get out of their way! ...
Guys I understand your pain, holy crap he drives fast. :silly: :eek:
(Pleaser, I was thinking of you when I shot this, just forgot to point!) This is in hot pursuit of the 80' Gobermobil on a backcountry 2-lane road that should have been a lane and a half. Elk, I think ya need to come get this Gober fella, seems like a habitual offender. Notice in the pic there are a set of KEYS!, man am I a dope or what. :| sore, sore, oh man am I sore. HAD A BLAST! More to come tonight, have to get back to the job.


Mar 14, 2003
Man what a weekend. Tried and sore but with a big smile. Manchester was a blast. First time my boys had ever rode in sand. They had a great time learning. Can they and some more whoops on the trails. After manchester wore me out we loaded up for TNT. Sunday at TNT was also a blast. I have not been on a M/X track in awhile. I rode the old XR till my shoulders couldn't take it anymore. I did see a GREAT cornering move sunday. The names and places are being withheld to protect the guilty. All I can say is tuck-and-roll. Thanks for making us feel so welcome. I meet so many great people I can't even begin to name. Mostly because I am very bad with names. My boys rode till they have blisters all over thier hands on the kids track. Again thanks to everyone and I hope to ride at TNT again soon. Maybe on a new bike.

Aaron, Blake is looking forward to riding with you again this summer at TNT.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Thanks, Sammy....uh, I mean, that's OK, I guess you don't really need to tell us who the maroon was.

I even tried to get Sammy to trade with me in the woods at Manchester, but he didn't want to ride my bike. :(

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Dave took that picture while he was sitting still spinning in the sand! Besides, everyone knows that my RV won't do 80.

What are those little metal jingly things in the lower right corner of the picture, again?


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
Just a few comments:

THANKS TO BARBARA and the rest of the TNT crew!!!!

I HAD A GREAT TIME. Was most fun to hang out with all of you guys. We need to do this more than once a year.

Track changes at TNT :thumb: Overall the track is much more friendly but it was comforting to know that I could still have the same crash on the the same jump and completely re-enact my shoulder incident right down to removing the skin on the same elbow. You would think I would get a clue??

Quote Ivan: "almost as fast as me coming back from a broken shoulder", correction: Definitely faster even though coming back from a broken shoulder. :confused: We need to get you practiced up for race season.

Prospects of being the winningest DRN spode in the JMX series considering the talent displayed by the competition this weekend - EXCELLENT!! (I have to talk myself up....nobody else will). I am really looking forward to racing this year...even at Shelby.

Linus' ability to cook ribs - EXCELLENT :worship: :thumb: Best ribs I have had. I'm hoping Linus decides to get serious about the riding again this year.

Dave's ability to lose stuff for no good reason - also EXCELLENT :|

I did witness the best example of using a fence post to perform slow motion wheelies. Who says you can't learn anything from a new rider?

After considerable study, I now think that I would be much faster on an XR100 using the proper attack position.

Gomer did demonstrate the finer points of using the TJ Hooker barrel roll to execute an inside pass through 180deg corners. The key is to laugh really loud to distract the leading rider while your tumbling body completes the pass. This method does appear to be hard on the bike.

I also noticed that Gomer shouldn't be allowed on a quad anywhere near utility poles or other wooden structures.


Jan 17, 2001
OK OK OK!!!!! I have been hearing about Linus's Ribs he cooked. What is the recipe??? I'm serious, I'd like to find out.


Nov 12, 2001
Wow, what can I say, what great bunch of folks!
Everyone made an effort to make everyone feel welcome.

Manchester was a blast, I never rode on sand trails before. Why do they put them whoops out there? <g> I doubled a kid back through a couple of miles when his dad’s bike died. Them whoops are tough to ride sitting down.

Linus, thanks so much for taking the time and $'s to make them ribs! They were awesome. Hope you made it home alright. Good to see you again.

James glad you felt good enough to make it back on Sunday. Sorry I did not get to ride with you. After the class I was spent and after a few laps I was done.

Man, I have seen some spooky movies before, but seeing Ivan, in person, in the morning when has has not had any sleep, took the award! Scaryyyyy.

Gomer, thanks for all the effort in setting this up. I hope you enjoy your throne. We all wanted to leave a present for you in it but Ivan wanted it "un tried", "pure" well you know what I mean.

I really enjoyed hanging around the fire with everyone and "learning" from the good doctor.
Too fun. I had to hit the hay once the nutritionist demonstrated incomplete digestion on his burritos!!

Ike’s class was great! I learned a bunch (like not to comment on the teacher‘s chain tightness the day before class when I did not even know him, oops). Now if I can only get out and ride more then once month.
Glad to win some sort of award, even if it was for crashing. I think I kept my arms parallel to the bars though. Funny what goes through your mind when going down.

Look forward to seeing you all again.
Good luck in your racing. I’ll be battling Bruce McCarty (sp?) in the old mans class in NCHS.
Hope I can put some of that knowledge from class to good use, especially the stoppies, that has got to impress the babes at the check points!


High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Originally posted by Truespode
Well, first off... the fest could not have came at a better time! One more week and I probably would have just gotten out of the sport altogether and became a monk somewhere.
Hmmm...sounds like Ivan was expecting more from the SSF than most people!

We were surprised to find puddles on the trails at Manchester and even more surprised to find a dry track at TNT!

I can't comment on the Manchester exploits other than the lies I heard from Gomer.
Tooner was faster in the technical sections that required skill, but I did better in the wide open areas that merely required you to twist and hang on.

As for the lies... well, I'll be honest - Lemming is faster than he lets on (I am not sure but I think he was the fastest Spode out there),
Faster than he lets on?!?&nbsp; That mouthy SOB wouldn't shut up about how fast he was.&nbsp; I'm&nbsp; pretty sure he was still bragging in his sleep last night!

I kept offering to help, but he wouldn't even let me in my own RV!

Saturday night we ate some of Linus' ribs that he cooked for us.
I honestly wasn't expecting too much when he said he was going to cook ribs...I finally got one and was amazed.&nbsp; From now on I'm bringing a few dozen for him to cook when he offers.

Thanks also to Gomer who picked up the ball
Ball?&nbsp; I didn't see any ball.&nbsp; Was it under Dave's keys?

I am really looking forward to the hot Saturday nights racing under the lights and telling lies!
You've been getting plenty of practice for half of the schedule! :p

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Originally posted by James
Quote Ivan: "almost as fast as me coming back from a broken shoulder", correction: Definitely faster even though coming back from a broken shoulder. :confused: We need to get you practiced up for race season.
I didn't get to see the two of you riding together, but when I was chasing James he was moving!

I did witness the best example of using a fence post to perform slow motion wheelies. Who says you can't learn anything from a new rider?
Huh?&nbsp; More details!!

I tried to chase down James and was impressed with how fast he was going.&nbsp; I thought that I would get him through the whoops, but didn't make any time at all on him there. :(&nbsp; I then decided to try to cut inside two turns later and try to block pass him.&nbsp; I hit a wet, slippery patch on the inside of the turn and the front started sliding.&nbsp; When it hit dry ground again it grabbed and high-sided me over the bars.&nbsp; As I was going over I realized I was in a yard-dart trajectory, so I curled my body in a ball and rolled.&nbsp; It all happened slowly and I was laughing the whole time.

I also noticed that Gomer shouldn't be allowed on a quad anywhere near utility poles or other wooden structures.
That support/brace wasn't really much of a load bearing part of the structure and I didn't hit it that hard!

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Originally posted by MikeT
OK OK OK!!!!! I have been hearing about Linus's Ribs he cooked. What is the recipe??? I'm serious, I'd like to find out.
Linus gave us all copies of the recipe Saturday night, but with the stipulation that we could never reveal it to anyone else.&nbsp; Sorry, copyright laws and all that, you know.

(How many of you are picturing MikeT as Plankton from SpongeBob SquarePants?)

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Mike: Talk about you know how much work they put in to make those whoops just right? :confused:

Funny you should mention Ike's chain! I gave him a hard time about it being way too loose one day. I put it on a stand and adjusted it for him. We then took it off the stand and compressed the suspension. Once compressed, that thing takes up a huge amount of slack. My only guess is that, on the 525, there is a greater distance between the countershaft and swingarm pivot bolt, resulting in a need to run more slack.

BTW, it's Bruce Mcrary, but he prefers to just be called Sasquatch.


May 22, 2000
The day started out w/me trying to get my fiance up at 6am.(a task in itself). Then we quickly loaded up the trailer and headed for Manchester. My fiances' cousin Andrew had his Chevy 454 SINGING down I77. We made it there in record time for us at 2hr.40min. I hooked up w/the crew shortly after and caught them for the 9mi. loop. I managed to stay pretty close to the front of the pack and noticed 2 things within the first couple mi. A: The whoops are REALLY getting deep B: Gomer, Mark, and Scott where ROCKIN. After 2 or so stops Gomer Aired up my head and convinced me that they were somehow holding me up so I took the lead :aj: I blasted down the next 2 whooped out straight aways I did my best McGrath impressination. Only to my dissappointment I looked over my shoulder only to find Gomer right on my rear wheel. :ugg: Alright time to turn it up. As I blasted through the next wooded section Gomer stuck right to me along w/Mark. Now I'm rollin at a pretty good clip and am actually starting to put some space between me and Gomer when I hear a SINGING Kx265 to my left. Unknown to me was the fact that Scott had found the Park rangers road beside the woods trail and had to have been flying 4th gear laughing insanely as he power wheelied by us. Once we emerged from the woods Scott had as quickly as he could removed his helmet and acted like he had just awakened from the small nap he took waiting for us to arrive. Show off! :moon: After some more fun playing tree ping pong we went back to the pits to watch Gomer do his best to reel in Ike on the MX track. After a couple of laps of hounding Ike(much to our surprise!) Gomer departed directions w/his bike and let loose a mushroom cloud of dust. As Ike came over to check on the condition of his fallen commrade everyone in the pits could be heard chanting as loud as possible, "ROOST HIM! ROOST HIM!" To the dissappointment of the crew Ike casually drove off once he realized Gomer had just gotten tired and decided to take a short dirt nap. After I tried in vain to get everyone to take another loop w/me(for some reason they were tired from riding since 9 that morning) we helped Gomer load up the MX bus for TNT and Gathered everyone we could find to take a group picture. Gomer and myself decided to catch on film our love for Scott.(See picture once it is disclosed) :laugh: Although I'm sure there are some more funny and interesting stories out there this is all I got since I got there late. I had a blast w/ you guys and hope to do it again soon. It was nice meeting and riding w/everyone.
Last edited:


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by High Lord Gomer
That support/brace wasn't really much of a load bearing part of the structure and I didn't hit it that hard!

No, it wasn't a hard impact, just a slow grinding kind of destruction....all the more reason to keep you on the XR50.


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Well after a long day of work today I got the bikes washed, only to find out I broke the air box on the 250. I need to do an overhaul on the 250 as well as the 100. Aryn was just abusing the heck out of the bike, but that’s what it’s about.
The Spodefest, what a weekend. :thumb: Nice 3 hour drive to Manchester, Mike L tells us where to go (to get our permit) get back meet Scott (what a genuinely cool guy) and we set up for the day. The Gober express finally arrives with his highness :worship: , and the unloading begins. The trails were a blast, (I’m not a trail rider) but we had a lot of fun, even though Aryn’s chain kept falling off. Mark, Scott, Bryan and Gomer are FAST. I’m talking scary fast, they ride through the trees and woops like nothing I’ve ever seen. :eek:
We head out north in the late afternoon and the real race begins, (if I had gotten lost down there, I’m sure there would be a banjo playing in no time), Gomer drives like he’s in one of JP’s Porsche’s (JP, tell me you own those cars, tell me). We missed ya JP, Lemming said you met a girl (gross me out). Finally at TNT … Ribs by Linus, WOW! A few suds pops and an evening of BS…Ivan the king of it! :thumb: A great slumber party at James home complete with shower, and I awoke feeling the need for med’s. Did I mention that I am still sore. Sunday we find the front gate locked (Saturday evenings TNT is a nudist colony) James to the rescue jumps the fence “Great Escape” style and returns with a clothed Gomer riding flying one handed down the road holding his coffee. What a nut. The changes to TNT are outstanding, I enjoyed every part of the track. Aryn had a great time riding with Sammy’s boys and looks forward to seeing them and riding again soon. Barbara, you were wonderful, you do so much to keep such a great place open, I am very thankful.
Gomer thanks for making it happen.
Ivan, I wish we were able to ride together.
Mark, thanks for your help on the suspension.
Linus, great to see you again, Awesome ribs!
Scott, man you’re OK! Great to meet you and your wife.
Brad, good to see you again, look forward to JMX.
Vince, 100 more yards, I would have had you, keep it up. We have all summer.
Solo, as soon as you get your license we are going to have to see more of you.
James, words can’t repay the kindness of this guy. He opened his home to me and asks for nothing. Good things are coming for ya!
I’m sure I’m forgetting a dozen or so but everyone is good people, and everyone helped me look for my keys, yes “I am an idiot” I was so upset, and then Gomer walks over and opens up his hand … keys!

I have to say that Lola would have been pissed, I told her I was going to spend the weekend with another woman, if she found out instead I was riding bikes all weekend… it could have gotten real bad! :confused:


Looking for single women!
Jan 19, 2000
My response to the many lies that are circulating.

That is correct, I needed Depends for the trip to Columbia. There is no doubt that Gomer is a "wildman". I do believe that I hit 97mph in rush hour traffic trying to keep up with him. At one point I moved my seat forward because I thought that I might be able to push the accelerator slightly beyond WFO.

I'm NOT going to tell y'all what Lemming *was* going to use for numbers

What's wrong with mailbox numbers from Walmart? Afterall, I'm still wearing green riding gear from 1999 :ugg:

Lemming is faster than he lets on (I am not sure but I think he was the fastest Spode out there)

Not even close. On Sunday Gomer and I were going at it on the track with Mike and his Son came by us like we were standing still :eek:

Saturday night we ate some of Linus' ribs that he cooked for us. DAMN those were the BEST ribs I have EVER had. I am not a fan of ribs too much but I could eat those ribes 4 or 5 times a week they were so damn good. Mucho impresso!

This is not a lie, those were damn good ribs.

Lemming didn't spank me *too* badly!

Unfortunately, Gomer never really got his grudge match from the last time I stomped him at Millcreek. By the time we got around to racing the track was overcrowded with lots and lots of spodes and younguns and we really couldn't go after it. Not to mention the fact that he kept pulling over and complaining that he was a "Nancyboy" and couldn't feel his hands.


Jan 17, 2001
Originally posted by High Lord Gomer
Mike: Talk about you know how much work they put in to make those whoops just right? :confused:
?? You still drinking that fermented beverage?
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