Suthin SpodeFest 2003


May 22, 2000
On sunday when ya'll went to TNT we dug up some of the VW beatles they had buried and the riding was quite a bit more bearable. :confused: Actually I rode w/some really great KTM guys(from from SC and one fellow on a new WR/YZF hybrid. Whyzee if you thought we were rockin through those whoops on the 9mi. sat. you should have seen this guy on sun. :eek: The KTM fellows were fast, but man the guy on the WRF was FLYING!!! Once I got into 4th. gear I got scared and let him walk me. About 5mi into the loop I got tired and let 2 of the KTM guys by me. Did I mention that a 525exc rear tire acts great as a sand shovel? Man I ate some roost! About another 2mi into it the 525 guy got tired and had a couple close calls w/the S.Carolina yellow pines out there and decided to lock up his brakes for one. In a classic BScottr move I had to act quickly while being all over my brakes......thinking to self; "Ktm.......ground.....Ktm......ground....Ktm.....better take the ground." I laid it over in the deep sand corner(very soft) and saved me from having to buy some very expensive KTM parts. After I remounted I went maybe another mi to find my Ktm friend taking a nap beside a tree. After catching up w/his buddies and BSing for a few min. The WR fellow decides to go check on his friend. Later I discover that the 525 guy got alittle offline again and departed ways w/his bike right before it hit one of those wonderful yellow pines. Bent bike just not bent rider thankfully. Anyway after riding the 9mi. back to back(before the KTM ride I did it w/my fiance and her cousins.) I decided to cheat and take the side of the paved road back to the pits. I was whooped! Anyway Had a great time w/the KTM guys and the WR fellow, even though I probably won't see them again hope to ride w/them one day. I think the WR fellow would keep Stumpy and James gang Honest!! Anyway thats my account of day 2 at Manchester, hope everyone enjoyed!


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Cool Bryan, you guys were still fun to watch.
Spodes!... the 133 looks like it might have sold. The guy with the broken xr250 we met at Manchester called last night, wants it delivered to TNT in 2 weeks! :yeehaw: Now if I can just find the keys to it. :|


May 22, 2000
the 133 looks like it might have sold. The guy with the broken xr250 we met at Manchester called last night, wants it delivered to TNT in 2 weeks!
:aj: Awsome, great news David. Maybe the wife won't be so mad at ya anymore? :uh: :laugh: I've got something in the works for riding maybe 2 weeks from now, if your interested I'll let ya know.


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
So does that mean the ride is at TNT in two weeks?


May 22, 2000
Actually I wanted to catch up w/Ocechap and see about a ride on the trails near his house or Possibly hit Brown mtn. since I haven't been there yet. As I hear the TNT trails are gonna be closed down for renovation for a while so that rules out TNT for me. I'll keep you informed as well if your interested James?


Apr 20, 2002
Hey Gang, had a great time riding Saturday. It had been several months since I had been at TNT and didn't realize how much I had missed it until I was packing it all in that night. I wasn't feeling too hot Saturday night...had a pretty bad headache that put a bit of a damper on my mood. If I had stayed to drink any complex carbohydrates, I think my head would have exploded. :(

James and Ivan are still way too fast for me. I was hoping to take advantage of James (heh heh heh) with him being injured and all but no such luck there. He was about as fast as I had ever seen him. I was feeling real good on the new track layout. I think if I had a 4 stroker, I'd be more confident hitting some more of the jumps...those few doubles that are right out of the corners intimidate me right now.

Lemming sure is fast. I met him Saturday morning and he was talking about practicing up to give Gomer a run for his money. I chuckled not knowing if he was serious or joking. He was dead serious. That man is fast! Did I read correctly that he was in fact the fastest spode in attendance? Good on ya!

I appreciate the compliments on the ribs. I wish there had been more but that was the most I could cook at one time. They really didn't turn out as good as I've done them in the past. It seemed like a few were pretty good and tender while some where a bit tough. That was my first time cooking that many and I had a tough time keeping the temperature in the cooking chamber consistent. That coupled with the fact that different areas in the chamber maintain different temps and it is hard to judge how long to cook them to the point that they fall off the bone.

No real recipe on them...pretty much just pull everything out of the spice cabinet and shake some of everything into a bowl. Use this to dry rub the meat either the morning of or the night before. I then rub the meat in yellow mustard to help keep it moist while it cooks. Cook for about 1 1/2 hrs. to 2 hours per pound of meat at 250 degrees F. Spray with apple juice while cooking also to maintain moisture. I usually wrap them about half way through with tin foil and then remove it for about the final half hour of cooking. This goes against the purist philosophy of BBQ, but what the heck. I then finished them with "Bone Sucking Sauce.", cut them and serve. Ideally, they should literally fall off the bone. These didn't, but were okay nonetheless. If you don't have a smoker, you can do them in the oven. The key is to do them "low and slow" more than 250 degrees. Just don't boil them whatever you do! That is sacrilege.

Hope to ride with ya's again sooner than later.


Sep 20, 2001
I have a bunch of pics to post and will get caught up soon. I've been out of it since Mark's accident. Bryan, Mark is the fast guy on the KTM that we rode with at Manchester last time. In the mean time.......
Originally posted by Whyzee
Spodes!... the 133 looks like it might have sold.
Saweet! :thumb: I thought things were looking good so I took this of you doing your used car salesman act. :)


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Jul 3, 2000
That's Brian he's talking to right?

I can imagine the conversation (lame attempt at humor here):

"Ya know, if you were to do me a favor like, I don't know, find my keys when I lose them on Sunday, I'll give you a great deal."

Had to take a shot Dave...



May 22, 2000
No the Mullet wearing gentlemen is not myself:) It was a fellow there that had an XR250 that apparently grenaded(not so sure it wasn't a set-up from Dave;) ) and he saw the bike in the back of David's truck so he was obviously very interested. Hope he buys it Dave!! :thumb:


Jan 15, 2000
Sorry I'm so late.

Friday was spent putting the trailer hitch on the van and getting everything together for the trip to Gomer's house. We got everything together a little late and left the house an hour or so behind schedule. The trip there was uneventful and when we got to Mike's house it turns out that Tim had taken everyone out to eat. I found directions with arrows pointing me in the direction of the front door and Ricky let me in.

The crew got back a short time later and within ten minutes bikes were being worked on. I saw Tim unloading his bike, so I grabbed a few bags of mine and put them in the fun mover and when I got back, Tuner was inflating the new tire! That guy really knows his stuff. More of that went on for a while till it was time for bed.

Saturday morning we woke up and loaded Tuners bike into the fun mover. Mike went to the store and while he was gone we decided to play a little ATV off-road fury 2, Mark has a great setup in his van. After that we headed out to Manchester.

We signed in and went to unload and said our hello's then we got to riding. I am no woods guy, but I actually had alot of fun there. The whoops were fun but they wore you out very nicely, they also made you feel like McGrath during a supercross, it was great! We loaded back up and headed to TNT around 2:30 or so. We got there and unloaded again but we were done riding for the day. Besides witnessing Mark do the worlds fastest top end on my bike while explaining to me everything I needed to know, highlights of the night were watching the great outdoors and falling asleep next to the fire.

Sunday morning I woke up to Mike asking me if I needed a stand for Ike's class, realizing I overslept I jumped up and got dressed as fast as I could. My bike started after Mike kicked it a few times and I was off. I got there right on time and Ike started the class. I was surprised that besides my back brake pedal everything was right on the money. I thought I knew body position but I was wrong, I completly relearned everything. After the class I immediatly went to the track to do some jumping witch I had missed the day before at Manchester. The first lap I jumped everything but about four jumps. I felt really good and I didn't get passed. I hit the whoops hard and it felt like it was flat compared to the ones at Manchester so those were no problem. They used to have huge supercross whoops but they redid them and they are awesome now. I messed around for a bit more and mostly sat around and talked with everyone. I did some more laps and then came back and ate a cheeseburger then I got changed and was done for the day. After searching for Dave's keys me and Ivan loaded up and headed for his house. We got there and unloaded his trailer then ate some pizza, looked at the sx results and DRN, even got to watch some wrestling. My dad got there and we got everything loaded back up again and we were off to home where I collapsed upon seeing my bed.

It was the best weekend I have had in a long time and I can't wait to do it again. A big thanks to everyone that helped me out with things. Mike, thanks for the bed, the gas and Danny's bike on Saturday, You are THE MAN! Ivan for being a good enough guy to listen to my ramblings and still give me a ride and pizza. Tuner for doing my top end faster than I can even think about doing it. Dave for the offer to ride the "for sale" bike and everyone else!


Sep 20, 2001
I’m last as usual! :(

Got to say meeting several new folks was great. Dave, Aryn, SOLO and MX Tuner are awesome folks and I really enjoyed BSing with them! :thumb: Instead of writing a ride report I think I’ll post some pics and let them tell the story.

Here Gomer, Danny, SOLO and Tuner arrive.


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Sep 20, 2001
Here Gomer is searching for his favorite tool. Gomer, is your hand permanently locked in that position? :p


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Sep 20, 2001
He found the tool he was searching for and now begins to demonstrate his mechanical skills. ;)


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Sep 20, 2001
Danny hanging out on his bike. Unfortunately he was on double secret probation for some unstated offense. :eek:

He never got to twist the throttle that day. :ugg:


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Sep 20, 2001
SOLO is suited up and ready to go. He now loves the woods after the Manchester ride. :thumb:

I had a good time shooting the breeze with ya. For those that may not know, SOLO is mature way beyond his years. :thumb:


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Sep 20, 2001
Dave (WHYZEE) and Flyin Brian

Two cool folks indeed. Dave was looking good in the woods also and chasing Brian on the 450 is a blast. :yeehaw:


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Sep 20, 2001
Absolutely one of the coolest kids I've ever met! :thumb: He lost his chain about 6-8 times in the woods and never complained once. On Sunday I got the biggest kick out of him at TNT flat tracking the XR around the kids track. Then with about 4 inches of travel he was getting BIG air over the jumps and giving kids on 80s a fit. I can't wait to see him on his brand spanking new 85! :thumb:


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Sep 20, 2001
MX Tuner is another cool dude. I really enjoyed talking wrenching with him and chasing him through the woods. He has a FWW on his bike and it was so smooth accelerating out of the corners, instead of a quick shot of was one, long steady blast. I had lots of roost from his 450 in my face that day. :moon:


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Sep 20, 2001
Part of the gang hung out for a group shot. On the second loop we had 19 riders in the woods. What a blast!


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Sep 20, 2001
Got to TNT Sunday and went looking for the gang. Found Gomer hanging out with a bunch of bikes with lights.


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Sep 20, 2001
Ivan was in Ike's school.


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