Suzuki RMX 250 engines


Mar 23, 2005
Hey guys, I have a question about engines on the RMX's. I have a 1996 and was wondering if the bottom ends are the same on the 1990. Also if anybody else has other info on these bikes that can help me out with. I did the search to learn as much as I can and know that the base gasket on the earlier years is thinner for more compression and the FMF pipes are a good replacement over the stock. Remove the air box lid (mine was gone when I bought the bike). I'll probably replace the stock reeds with Boyeseen ones. If you can email me at or reply to this post that would be great. thanks


Apr 11, 2001
The cases are different, in that the holes and slots for the frame tabs are offset differently due to the fact of engineered stress/strength paths for USD vs conventional forks.

The internals are similar with minor changes.


Mar 23, 2005
Thanks placelast I figured I would get a reply from you. You seem to know the RMX's model's very well.
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Apr 11, 2001
When you own/race/ride a bike for 7 years (and my son's for 1/2 that), you do get to know a few things. Having four other friends/aquantances which own(ed) and raced the same model does help, although they never did much work on theirs and treated them like XRs. I also followed the Suzuki Off-Road team in the early to mid '90s, even though I wasn't riding then. Add to that all the articles I found from the US, Aussie, NZ and England, it does add up to quite a bit of literature - different ideas to experiment with.

There may never be another bike in my future that will deliver so much satisfaction per dollar and required so little maintenance, IMHO. Sure: I did lose a bottom end to a broken spark plug electrode, requiring a tow; and another time the countershaft bearing wore out from year after year of empacted mud. Otherwise, it was tires, grease, and a top end every year.
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