taking your bike across the border


Apr 1, 2004
Hey there,

Me and a couple of buddies were thinking about going to try some trail riding in the US. Do you need any special documentation for your bike or will they just let you drive on through. That goes for both sides of the border. If the American border guards let me through to get into the US, will the Canadian border guards let me back in with my bike. :ride:


Dec 3, 2001
We have gone down to Reno for the Valentines ride for the last two years and haven't had any problems. We registered our bikes with customs,and carry the bill of sale with us down. I would also reccomend getting out of country medical coverage, as an injury down there can cost alot!! :ohmy:


Apr 1, 2004
Hey thanks,

I dont have a bill of sale. All I have is the bike. To register with customs do you just go to the border and get some paperwork or...


Dec 3, 2001
You can do it at the border, or you can do it at most airports through a customs agent. All they do is verify that the bike is of Canadian origon. They will give you a green export card that shows the bike came from Canada.


Dec 3, 2001
We've never got one. I would just claim ignorance or start speaking french, that will really confuse them!! :p


Sep 16, 2004
Better yet, have an International Driver's license. :joke:

I heard the deputy here, had never seen one. The Sheriff said, let them go, with a warning.

seriously ..I purchased my bike in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I needed all my paperwork.

After all that, I carried all the papers, including the important "import" paper.

My bike is "off-road" and registration, license and insurance for a dirt bike is not a requirement, in Montana.

I am planning to take the bike, in the van, to Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico, this Winter.

I have found out: in Utah, I have to meet all the laws of Utah, including license, registration, OHV sticker, and insurance after only 14 days! In Arizona, I have to purchase a $20 Arizona State Lands Resources Permit in case I ride on public land owned by the State of Arizona, and, I can only ride the bike on Forest Service roads having a vertical roadsign, not a horizontal roadsign. However, I can ride on hundreds of miles of legal trails, for ATV, or motorcycle. In New Mexico, I must not leave my van at the trailhead overnight, lest there be severe vandalism. I haven't found out any laws for New Mexico, so far.

I have been posting at multiple ATV, motorcycle, and hiking forums to find out this much.

Ask DMV. Ask U.S. Forest Service district office for a map with the roadsigns printed on the map. Ask BLM for a map showing "jurisdictions" of land ownership.

I'm telling you, it's complicated.

If you just want to ride on roads, I'd say, ask DMV, and find a map showing "scenic highways".
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