Tale of Two Tires: A Weekend at Muenster


N. Texas SP
May 1, 2001
We arrived late Friday night, me in my truck with the bikes (pickup for XRPred) and my Dad pulling the big fiver. (fifth wheel camper for you non-RVing folks) We unloaded, went in, watched TV, and went to bed in anticipation of getting up and riding the next morning.


So I get up, get dressed, and rush out to my beloved KDX, and my more beloved, wish-it-was-mine, Dad's KX two-fiddy. I stare and drool for a minute over the 250, and then crank mine up and putt-putt around the creek.
As I got mine warmed up, Dad comes out and hops on his scoot. It's a little chilly, so we put on Jackets and take off for the woods. We get going along at a pretty good pace in the woods when we come to a more wide open area. Dad rolls on the throttle, as I become more envious of his bike, when he misses the turn. I laugh out of jealousy (the lil' 200 can't keep up), thinking this is what he deserves for show-boating like that! He shuts his bike off and reports that his throttle stuck :scream: Suddenly, I'm not so envious ;)
We call it a fluke and ride on. His throttle sticks again, so we head back to our high-tech pit area (consisting of a piece of carpet, a screwdriver or two, and some wrenches :confused: ) He disassembles the carb, hoping to find something obviously out-of-wack. He doesn't, so heads off into town (Gainesville Kawasaki) with the carb. The service manager sees nothing wrong, so he buys a new throttle cable in hopes that it may be at fault.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch-er-park, JMD, his son Jimmy and their friends Hugh and James show up. We ride a few miles before Dad returns, then we all sit around the pits and watch him wrench. He replaces the throttle cable, and we go for a test ride. Throttle sticks again. Jim, Jimmy, Hugh, James and I ride while Dad sits at the camper and thinks. He cleans his air filter out of desperation, to find that the previous owner had it on wrong, letting dirt in.
He gets it back together, and rides the rest of the day with his fingers over the clutch-just in case. After a long period of proper throttle opertion, we decide that every now-and-then, sand would get wedged between the slide, and slide body(or whatever that part of the carb. is called), causing stickage, yes, stickage :think:
Then Jimmy's Katoom stops running. After fooloing with it the rest of the day, they load it up, and Jim(JMD), Dad, and I take one last ride, which turns out to be the best ride of the weekend. I total 92 miles that day


N. Texas SP
May 1, 2001

I get up around 9:00 on Sunday, stiff and sore, but ready to ride. Sunday's weather was nicer, and we rode agood bit that day until I reached "that point." I had become so disgusted with my 7-year old tires, that I couldn't ride anymore. These tires could be used as slicks in street drag racing. After attempting a hill 3 times, until I finally succeeded, we headed back to call it a day. But on the way, I lost traction and almost fell off a 30-something foot drop-off into the river. At this time, I swore to not ride again untill I had new tires. I had said this before, but this time I meant it-really, no kidding. Don't laugh, I'm serious :think:
We returned to camp, sat around and watched the idiots do idiotic thing on the beach, and I got back on my bike. I said I wouldn't but the urge was too strong.
I totaled over 70 miles that day, giving me a grand total of 163.4 miles in a course of two days. Needles to say, I'm sore. But I could do it again tomorrow ;)

Note-I wrote this with two posts because it wouldn't let me type it all in one-I guess it was too long.


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Im glad you didnt fall off of that ledge little daddy!! Sounds like you put in a lot of hard miles. Oh, to be 16 again.....:P


Jul 11, 2001
Trouble with Jimbo's KTM was the spark plug lead wire; it was coming loose from the plug cap. The wire just pulled out of the rubber boot. Should have checked, I guess. Anyway, it was still a fun day, it's just that some of it was the hard fun, not the easy fun. Can't wait until next time.

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