Hey y'all,
Kinda new here :cool:, actually just returning. Looking for some other Coloradans (or other) who want to ride the Timberline Trail on either of the last two weekends of July, 21-22 or 28-29. I've done short sections of it by myself and was hoping to hook up with someone who has done it before and wants to ride it again. It's a bit too much for me to tackle solo.
Won't be able to make it then, but maybe you could come ride with us during the spodefest there Sept. 7-9. I assume you've ridden the Woodland Park/Divide trails near you and all the neat jeep roads that go down to the S. Platte like Hackett, Longwater and Metberry gultch? Had some fun riding and got some cool pics during the spodefest there last year.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, CJ mentioned the spodefest to me and we would like to be there in September. Unfortunately, I got a little taste of the Timberline Trail this past weekend and now I can't think of anything else :eek: .
Yes, the trails around Woodland are mucho bueno :) . I'm just looking for a little more variety and feel the summer already slipping away........
Ok, looks like I found someone to go along. We're tentatively going on July 28th and 29th. Maybe ride Timberline on Saturday and something shorter on Sunday.
Any other takers? There's safety in numbers.... :eek: