Tell me about Texas (Austin).

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Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
My brothers house is 1200 sq ft, he could probably get about 650k for it.. Were doing a room addition, so tack on another 7-800 sq ft ( i forgt off the top of my head the square footage)


Dec 31, 1969
So that's $541.00 per sq. foot.

Okay then. My 3,200, 1/3 acre with 15,000 gallon in-ground would be what, $1.78 million if it were in Cali? My freakin garage is damn near as big as that house.

You guys are right! I'm moving. I'd love to have an apartment size house for $650K. Only problem is, I couldn't pay the mortgage.

Seriously tho, I guess it's all about what you want from life. If you want to live outside and your home is basically a Texas size bedroom, then it's all good. ;) It's just what matters to ya. Cali sure is pretty.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Okie said:
So that's $541.00 per sq. foot.

You guys are right! I'm moving. I'd love to have an apartment size house for $650K.


But when you paid under 350K for that house five years ago, pretty good investment, but, the house wasnt bought as an investment, it was bought too raise his Family in :cool:


Dec 31, 1969
That's insane! When was the house built, do you know?

Talk about a bogus market... he should sell it and move to America. He could buy a nice, NEW 3,000 sq.ft house in DFW, on just the profit and actually have enough room to raise a family.

Where else can you make $300K in 5 years? Great for the speculators, terrible for families. I read that last year, nearly 30% of all homes sold in the US were to investors, just out to flip them. Crazy. Now with the rates going up, they are all headed back to stocks.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
We're in America :cool:

We all talked about moving out of state, but, like it here too much.. May buy some rentals out of state soon, we will see.. I could see where 30% of house sales were investments.. A cousin of mine and her Husband bought there son a condo in Phoenix for him too live in during college, figure it will pay for itself after he graduates..


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Okie said:
That's insane! When was the house built, do you know?
I beleive it was built in the mid 50's


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Heres one for you, my parents built there house in the early 70's for 20k, that included the lot and building supplies.. The trak homes on their block go for 700k, these houses are 1400sq ft, my parents is 2,000.. Their payment was $134 a month LOL


Dec 31, 1969
Ya know, a few years ago on business, this old dude that was driving the rental car shuttle and I got to talking... he was on his last shift, retiring. He worked for the USPS for 40 years, retired, got bored and was now (last night) driving the bus for Hertz. (did some other stuff in the interim too apparently)

Said he was moving to Florida. Had moved to Orange County ( I had flown into John Wayne), in the 50's/60's and bought a post WWII cookie-cutter house for $5,500 (pretty sure that's what he said)... now, he's selling the house for 700K +, with a place on contengency in Florida for $150,000. The place in Florida was "much more fancy" and 600K going in the bank.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Patman said:
I think how much somebody might like a place is directly proportional to how much they like where they are. Other factors such as family, friends and stuff I’m sure plays a factor as well but I REALLY like the central Texas area...
Obviously some folks like where they are, so stay there. If you have to relocate I can think of many other places that could be a lot worse in my book, Omaha is on that list but people live there and like it. Not too sure about the riding season issue, I ride any time of the year here and don't have to worry about what color sticker is on my bike. Sure there are not public places around every tofu stand but there is plenty to keep me interested and well I can always just ride on MY land :nener:


May 26, 2000
My take on Austin after living in Temple for four years:

Vistas: Very pretty city - The start of Hill Country with some beautiful lakes. However no mountains or sea.
Culture: One of the musical cities in the USA. Nice restaurants and a college town. As a city it has everything that you want.
Weather: Hot but much less humid than San Antonio and not worse than LA. Gets cold for maybe one month in the year. One of the better cities in all of the US.
Cost of Living: Typical of a large mid-west city. Not cheap but nothing like the East or West Coast prices. Here you can afford to live.
Traffic: This is the city's downfall. No true ring-roads and the I35 cuts straight through as the only major road. Traffic in and out of Round Rock was a pain at peak traffic times.
Biking: One of Central Texas' weak points. Most of the land is in private hands and there are few to no ORV areas. There are some private riding areas but if all else fails take the profit from the Cali sale and buy you own 100 acre wood.

I wouldn't say no to living in the area again if the opportunity arose but if I was packing up and leaving Cali I'd probably look at a number of other options too. Boulder CO, Colorado Springs CO, Albuquerque NM, Tulsa OK and even Little Rock, Arkansas. However, If Texas was the choice then Austin would be the pick.

And no Okie, (or is that Tex), you are not in America you are in TEXAS! ;)


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
DoubleTrouble you never knew about Barton Creek Greenbelt, Muleshoe Bend, Walnut Creek Preserve, Bull Creek Greenblet, or Emma Long Park? (to name a few of the good ones).


May 23, 2000
I had a feeling this might turn into a Cali vs. Texas thing. Let's not get too carried away with it!

I appreciate everyone's input very much. I'm sending all of this info (minus the dirtbiking stuff) to my sister-in-law to help her with the decision.

If I had to make the move, the most important factor for me would be a great school for my kids. Second would be what I can get for my money as it relates to housing.

I'm not going to chime in with "Cali is better than Texas" or "Texas is better than Cali." I absolutely love where I live right now. But I can definitely see the draw of moving near Austin. I can say that buying a house in Cali is the best thing I've ever done. My wife and I bought a 1,600 sqaure foot house in Salinas 10 years ago for $153,000. Our commute was about 70 miles each way to work, but we knew we'd have to sacrifice a little to own a house. Four years later we sold that house for $312,000 and moved to Hollster (which is a bit closer to the Bay Area). We bought our current 2,000 square foot house (with a three car garage) for $392,000 and it's currently worth $650,000-$660,000. I love my house and my city but I'm not crazy about my commute or what it costs to send my kids to private school.

You better believe it's tempting to bail on the house and pay cash for a larger place in Texas that has great schools nearby. But there's just too much keeping me in the Bay Area right now. My family and our jobs are at the top of the list. But that's not to say I won't end up there at some point! Priorities change as the years go by and the kids get older.

Thanks again for everyone's advice!
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