
Dude Guy Bub
Damn Yankees
Mar 31, 2007
Well i thought i might Jazz up these forms with a little annual excitement. I am a "thinker" type guy and well i have been thinking lately. Wouldn't it be neat if every week the people of Dirt (including me) could post our ideas on how we could improve dirt biking, the sport, the engineering of vehicles etc. Now as far as the ideas go they may be dead right serious or perhaps something you thought of while mowing the lawn. The ideas I am looking for don't have to be exactly practical but creative as a minimum. Now how this would all work is once a week i would make a post and Put out my Idea for the week, viewers could read and comment as the wish, and post ideas of their own as well. The whole point of this is just to have fun, put out some of those thoughts that may never make it to a drawing board but are still fun to imagine. Well i'll see what you guys think of this and feedback is greatly appreciated. Who knows if this goes through like i hope i may even get my own forum to help organize it all and make it official:) Thanks in advance.

ps: I will be accepting ideas for names, if you have one that you think is creative and fits the description please just post it in the thread.
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Apr 28, 2007
Idea of the week forum

[QUOTE=Cman250] call it I.O.T.W. for Idea Of The Week.(if this works out i will accept better ideas for a name for it) /QUOTE]
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Dude Guy Bub
Damn Yankees
Mar 31, 2007
Hey thanks for the feedback olderndirtmom. Any name ideas would be greatly appreciated so I can get this show on the road. Well I think that i will make the first post to this Idea of the week thing on Friday , and it will be annually posted on Friday of every week.


Apr 30, 2007
Nice idea

Cman250 said:
Well i thought i might Jazz up these forms with a little annual excitement. I am a "thinker" type guy and well i have been thinking lately. Wouldn't it be neat if every week the people of Dirt (including me) could post our ideas on how we could improve dirt biking, the sport, the engineering of vehicles etc. Now as far as the ideas go they may be dead right serious or perhaps something you thought of while mowing the lawn. The ideas I am looking for don't have to be exactly practical but creative as a minimum. Now how this would all work is once a week i would make a post and Put out my Idea for the week, viewers could read and comment as the wish, and post ideas of their own as well. The whole point of this is just to have fun, put out some of those thoughts that may never make it to a drawing board but are still fun to imagine. Well i'll see what you guys think of this and feedback is greatly appreciated. Who knows if this goes through like i hope i may even get my own forum to help organize it all and make it official:) Thanks in advance.

ps: I will be accepting ideas for names, if you have one that you think is creative and fits the description please just post it in the thread.

I for one think this idea is pretty good.I think u should name it something on the lines of , "Mad mod of the week", But its ur idea. I think it would help out lots of people on here.

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
who would do such a thing , to a perfectly good CR500 engine?


Dude Guy Bub
Damn Yankees
Mar 31, 2007
THORmx_nucca said:
Pretty cool. By this, did you mean... EXAMPLE: Cramming a CR500 engine into a 50cc frame. =P

Well uh, i guess that may be an example but put a little more thought into your ideas, and give every detail you could think of.

First post goes out tomorrow so keep your ideas handy.


Dude Guy Bub
Damn Yankees
Mar 31, 2007
Well ive decided the name. Look for the post called "The Drawing Board" on fridays.


Aug 8, 2000
Cman250 said:
Well uh, i guess that may be an example but put a little more thought into your ideas, and give every detail you could think of.

Sorry, but to me it sounds like your fishing for ideas for you to pursue on your own farther after doing an initial brainstorming session here. I have a few ideas, but some are patentable so I won't be divulging details.


Dude Guy Bub
Damn Yankees
Mar 31, 2007
SpeedyManiac said:
Sorry, but to me it sounds like your fishing for ideas for you to pursue on your own farther after doing an initial brainstorming session here. I have a few ideas, but some are patentable so I won't be divulging details.

LOL, you really think im that bad of a person...? Well im not and the only reason i ask to put your thought and details into you ideas is because if you don't there will be a lot of post that saying , "How bout we put a formula 1 race car engine on some roller blades". And these kind of posts may get really old really fast. So thats why id encourage you to make it creative and something is at least possible to some extent even disregarding some of the real life variables.


Aug 8, 2000
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you're a bad person, I'm just trying to give you my perspective. It's nice to have some details, but I know personally I won't be sharing my ideas in detail that have major potential.


Nov 27, 2006
SpeedyManiac said:
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you're a bad person, I'm just trying to give you my perspective. It's nice to have some details, but I know personally I won't be sharing my ideas in detail that have major potential.

to me that sounds kind of stupid. even if someone had an awesome idea how many people do you think would go through the whole process of trying to patent it.

this has nothing to do with you, i have no idea if you really want to invent something. im just talkin about ppl in general. i think he just wants to post some creative ideas about possible advances in dirtbiking


Dude Guy Bub
Damn Yankees
Mar 31, 2007
Well here it goes for the first time!

For those of you that don't know this is a thread that i will be posting every Friday called "the drawing board". It is a thread in which il post my idea of the week and viewers can comment and post their own ideas. If all goes accordingly it we should have a creative thread filled with each others ideas and it will be fun to see what others come up with in their crazy ideas. As far as rules on posting and along those lines click here. OTHER THREAD

OK so my first idea is a tad off the direct subject of dirt bikes but im curious as to what you think of it.


Everyday people from across the world study new ideas on how to create a cleaner, more efficient, way of transportation. Now the main idea behind this is the engine inside the vehicle. Well a little while back when i was just a lad i used to have a toy car that was powered by air. Also known as the air hog car. Well a few years later and this little thing gives me an idea, If you can make a car move by an engine propelled by simply just compressed air why can't we make a real life scaled vehicle powered by a similar engine design.

If it were at all possible to scale and improve upon this design a few main changes would need to be considered. First the toy car I had would be fully compressed in a little plastic tank attached to the car. Of course a plastic tank would not hold nearly enough air to power a full sized vehicle so it would have to be a solid high compression tank, similar to those helium tanks you see at stores to fill up your balloons. Another thing to consider is the throttle control. The way the car worked is when it was fully pressurized it give it a push and instantly all the power from the compressed air would be forced into the little piston. This gave it quite a blast off but all the stored energy was used in a matter of 10-15 seconds until you pumped it up again. In this case you would have to make a lever in which you could control the amount of air forced into the piston, kind of like the flap on a carburetor that allows the air into the engine. This would allow for a longer use of power. Now no matter how much control over the engine you have that air is going to run out pretty fast even with a high compression tank. So you would have to come up with a device that could be used to reuse its energy while its running. So we need to harness a way to compress air while your driving, here is one way : A whole new break design would need to be designed. Instead of having a normal disk brake that stops the vehicle through applied pressure to a rotor connected to the wheels , you would have a device that when you pull the brake lever it would use the momentum of the vehicle to compress air back into the tank for reuse. The more you pull the lever the more it use the momentum to compress larger amounts of air back into the tank so it will feel similar to a normal break only you are killing two birds with one stone- stopping or slowing the car affectively and creating energy that will be used to power the vehicle. Well of course if your not braking often you would need to refill the tanks at a station which would have compressors. Thats all I can think of for the moment on this idea. Enjoy and criticize as you please.


Dude Guy Bub
Damn Yankees
Mar 31, 2007
The Drawing Board #2

Yup so im a few days late but uh skipping the schedule heres my idea i came across today.

Sure the forums are fun but its kinda like emailing but everyone can see it. So last night while sitting in a chat room i thought Hey wouldn't it be neat if DRN could make their own chat rooms? Maybe it could be in a section in the forums where you click on a link and it brings you to a list of chat rooms made specifically pertaining to DRN forums and along the same lines. It would be kinda cool to see all these different people that i talk to and socialize with in some chat rooms where its easir to talk and get responses quickly. Again this is just an idea, please tell me what you think.
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Sep 16, 2006
Okiewan said:
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Dude Guy Bub
Damn Yankees
Mar 31, 2007
hmm ...i guess that would explain that. I guess i was thinking more along the lines of a common person chat room but its not that i don't want to support DRN its just i don't have a credit card and well being a kid has it's ups and downs...

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