- Jun 5, 2001
- 7,529
- 18
OK, I had to flame this. Let me see a show of hands,,,who thinks their garage is actually theirs, and not the wife's!? Here's the deal. She said that she will decorate the house how she wants and the garage is mine! Wow, what a deal, I think I just got juked! So this is what I did. I set up the stereo system out there, the Dish TV, the microwave, the pancake griddle, the fryer and the El Camino. Sounds great right? WRONG!
She said that she still has a space for her car in there. But I can't leave my stuff on the counters in the kitchen. What's wrong with this picture? It gets worse. When she doesn't want something in the house, guess where it goes. Right, IN THE GARAGE! And the hits keep on coming. Now, she traded in her car and got a burb, well it doesn't fit in the garage. Guess what, she says that space is STILL hers! She stores crap right in the middle of where her car is supposed to go. Am I off base here or do I have a legitimate flame? Need your help, guys only. Unless the women want to back me!:):)
I had to mark off the garage with caution tape so she wouldn't venture into my area! It worked for a while until she said she was with the Press and was allowed by law to go in. What a bunch of poop! She said my garage looks like poop and I need to clean it up. I sweep the floors daily so she won't track anything into her house. I think I'm gonna lock the garage door so she has to use the front door. That's an idea, then she won't comment about my kingdom anymore.
I feel much better now, thanks. I have to go so I can clean HER area too!
Garaged Elk in Anaheim
She said that she still has a space for her car in there. But I can't leave my stuff on the counters in the kitchen. What's wrong with this picture? It gets worse. When she doesn't want something in the house, guess where it goes. Right, IN THE GARAGE! And the hits keep on coming. Now, she traded in her car and got a burb, well it doesn't fit in the garage. Guess what, she says that space is STILL hers! She stores crap right in the middle of where her car is supposed to go. Am I off base here or do I have a legitimate flame? Need your help, guys only. Unless the women want to back me!:):)
I had to mark off the garage with caution tape so she wouldn't venture into my area! It worked for a while until she said she was with the Press and was allowed by law to go in. What a bunch of poop! She said my garage looks like poop and I need to clean it up. I sweep the floors daily so she won't track anything into her house. I think I'm gonna lock the garage door so she has to use the front door. That's an idea, then she won't comment about my kingdom anymore.
I feel much better now, thanks. I have to go so I can clean HER area too!
Garaged Elk in Anaheim