its best if you secure the bag on with something, whether it be tape, a rubber band, etc...but you have to wonder, if they require double bagging are they really worth it...? i mean if you know what they look like without the bag, that mental picture is gonna burn right through...
speaking of weird phrases...last year in englishthis guy kept bugging the kid that sat behind me, and right as the class got quiet, the kid behind me yelled "i'm gonna f-ing kill you!" lol the teacher turned to him and said "excuse me?" we all thought she was gonna send him to the principal or something but instead she just calmly says "so youre going to kill him through intercourse???" and continued to bash him for about 10 mins straight. it was great. not only did he get thoroughly humilliated, he didnt open his mouth much for the rest of the year either.