Dash Riprock

Jul 13, 2000
The wind was really blowing at the track today. It got so terrible that most riders were rolling everything for fear of being blown off the track due to cross winds. This happened BTW. On the other hand, we were able to just gawd awful pin it on the back stretch where the wind was blowing against the flow of the track. Kinda felt like the bike had air brakes. Most of us adjusted by taking the far opposite line before the jump to where you wanted to land. For the most part that worked for landing position. But what about when the wind "twists" the bike? Makes for some interesting landings. :scream:

Anybody care to share how they handle jumping in strong cross winds? Just curious.


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Good topic - any time it is really windy - I can get 6 inches off of the ground on a little acceleration bump and the back end of my bike seems to blow around and kick out to the side like crazy! I try to stay lower with my body... but it is still really bad. And in the air - woah - you land 10 feet over (left-right) from where you started and with your bike sideways and half laid-over... then there's the few guys that it doesn't seem to bother - what can ya do??? :think

(BTW - I'm only 5'5", 125 lbs.)


Mar 22, 2001
There is no debate... riding in the wind is far less than ideal. But if you are racing on a day when it is windy, your only choice is to do your best, and contend with it. I have found that practicing whips helps with your control in the wind, because it makes you used to moving around in the air. If you keep your rear wheel spinning in the air, you will also fair better. I usually ride back more on the bike when im on the ground, and stay way foreward in the air, that enables you to give it a few revs in the air, without getting all nose high. Always land on the gas when it is windy, that will automatically bring you back into balance fast.


Aug 4, 2000
Well, you just need to keep the upwind wing down and then kick a little rudder to line up with the runwa......oops, wrong vehicle ;)


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Originally posted by RM_guy
Maybe riding when it’s windy is what those new fangled helmet fins are for:p

Nope - they don't help!! :confused:


Mar 22, 2001
nikki is right. i think they are just a fashion statement. but i like the way mine looks anyway. it is cool, if you get one of the chrome troy lee ones, and put some clear-backed decals on it. or just get him to paint it.:eek: theres and idea!

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