This does not look good in the lead ban


Dec 31, 1969
"It's for the children". = votes.


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
I'll tell you what, Okie nailed it. If you want to pass ANY nanny law those are the magic words.
"If it will save one child"
"It's for the children"
"What would you have me do? Nothing?"
"It's not the right solution, but it's something"

pick your slogan, mix them up and start spewing it out. You'll be elected in no time.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
I already have a mom. What I need is a stable economy. What I need is a stable government. What I need is a better health care system. Mom should concentrate on those issues.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Well, I found this in my email:

Dear Robert:
Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns regarding the implementation of P.L. 110-314, the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008. I appreciate hearing from you.
You would be interested to know that in response to concerns regarding the testing requirements for children's products under P.L. 110-314, on January 30, 2009, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced that the implementation of such requirements will be delayed for one year, until February 10, 2010. Previously, the CPSC stated that resale and consignment stores will not be responsible for testing products, however these stores have a responsibility to not carry products that are harmful. For additional information on this issue, I would encourage you to contact the CPSC, through their website, on the Internet, at, or at 301-504-7923.
Additionally, Rep. Rehberg has introduced H.R. 1587, a measure that would amend the lead prohibition provisions of P.L. 110-314 to provide an exemption for certain off-highway vehicles. Specifically, the measure would provide an exemption for snowmobiles and any motorized vehicle designed to travel on two, three, or four wheels, that has a seat designed to be straddled by the operator, and handlebars for steering control.
H.R. 1587 was referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, where it is currently pending consideration. The measure has 19 cosponsors and a companion measure has not been introduced in the Senate.
Thank you again for contacting me. Do not hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.


Peter J. Visclosky
Member of Congress


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Now I received in the real mail no less, a letter from Baron Hill, 9th district House of Representatives, Indiana. He did not sound like he read my letter at all. He pointed out that they have recently seen an increase in data on the health dangers of phthalates in everyday consumer products and children's toys? PL 110-314. And ban 3 wheelers while their at it! And on another note, thrift shops can sell clothes laden in this substance, as leaching into the body is no issue? He better hope I do not get some time to respond to this one! Or find out what phthalates is?? ,, UH OH VERN! I can see this is going to be another big deal for the conscious/communist movement!


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
whenfoxforks-ruled said:
He did not sound like he read my letter at all.

They don't even read the bills- why would they read your letters? :|


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
This is truly politics in DC. One big circle jerk? Introduce a bill, everyone hates it, wait a couple of months and staple it to the bottom of some real legislation and BAM, the communist's get their way! We never beat anyone in a war, in the end, the enemy has prospered? This bozo Blagoyavich, he is probably telling the truth, this is the way things get done in politics. But, he got caught red handed with his hand in the nut jar? Criminalize "lobbying", would be 1 step in cleaning up our legislation process. Getting them out of non-issues would be another. We have way too many real issues, without some communists slipping Un-American legislation under the carpet! And we will go from getting screwed from the dangers of lead, to the dangers of #5 plastics/pvc!


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
whenfoxforks-ruled said:
T We have way too many real issues

They cause the problems, then pretend to fix them.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Real issues, the economy, health care, this global baby sitter bs, government reform, etc. Real bs they should never have crossed/communism, the lead and soon plastics issues, buying up failed companies, seat belts and anything else restricting my personel FREEDOMS! Stay focused, do your job, and keep it simple. And quit trying to take our guns and land! Did anyone catch the omnibus act? Well, it went right through, and attached to the back, some offroad areas closed to off road recreations?


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Vic said:
They cause the problems, then pretend to fix them.
Way worse, more rubbing it in our faces! Slight of hand and straight up deception. FOX ran a new series called Lie To Me. The science of what liars do, with their body signals. They showed Bill Cliinton damn near every show, as an example.


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
whenfoxforks-ruled said:
FOX ran a new series called Lie To Me.

Love that show.


Apr 1, 2006
If most mothers had it their way...they'd keep their kids in a friggin bubble so they can't get scratched. these over protected kids are gonna turn into big @$$ wimps as they get older. part of learning is getting burned...falling...scraped...knocked out(hahaha). I dunno. save the children, sure.....but parents were around for lead everything...they're just fine. I was around for some of it. I'm fine(a doctor may disagree). Our country wants us to raise wimpy, stupid, spoiled, and more importantly.....poorly adjusted kids. What ever happened to "walk it off"? :yell: :bang: :bang: :bang: :blah:


Apr 4, 2009
Yes we now live in a country that wants you to raise a wimp and if something bad should happen to your kid, sue someone because its surely not your kids fault. Lawyers and greed have killed our freedom.


Apr 8, 2005
CReighty said:
Yes we now live in a country that wants you to raise a wimp and if something bad should happen to your kid, sue someone because its surely not your kids fault. Lawyers and greed have killed our freedom.

Ah, but being a lawyer, I'd comment that many/most politicians are lawyers. . . therefore, the lawyers IN THE LEGISLATURES are killing our freedom. . .

As far as court verdicts. . .

Trial lawyers make an argument to a jury. Defense lawyers make a counterargument.

The JURIES are making the ridiculous rulings of liability against gun manufacturers, ski resorts, bike companies, etc. . .

Well, some of them are ridiculous. The largest verdict in my county's history was against a Suzuki dealer. Sounds bad so far. However, they sold a crotch rocket to a buyer and the dealer KNEW that the bike had a bad tire on it. The tire failed and someone was killed.


Apr 8, 2005
BTW, as noted above, it appears that the lead ban on kids motorcycles is not going to be enforced until at least next year, or more likely, 2001 - although the final vote on a delay in enforcement is not until the end of this month.

And they are looking for ways to get around the law completely for the sake of kids and their riding.

" . . . both members of the commission have said they favor a stay of enforcement, the move almost certainly will stay the execution of parts of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) within the agency."

"On Friday, commission filings in preparation for the vote indicated a stay could be as long as two years, possibly expiring May 1, 2011. A planned second vote on that timeframe was expected by the end of April."

"In addition, it's not clear whether state attorneys general, who are also charged with enforcing the law, will also stand down."

NOTE: It would appear that contacting you state attorney general would probably have more effect that wasting time messing with the feds. If the State A.G. is the enforcing officer, then perhaps a 10th Amendment State's rights argument would do some good.

Acting CPSC Chairwoman Nancy Nord went on record on April 3 favoring a stay of enforcement. On April 16, Commissioner Thomas Moore agreed.

"It is clear from the post-enactment statements of some Members of Congress who were Conferees on the CPSIA that they believe the Commission has the authority to make sensible allowances for these vehicles as long as child safety is not compromised," Moore said in his statement. "Given the extremely restrictive language of the law, the only avenue I can see is for the Commission to establish an enforcement plan that follows, to the greatest extent possible, the Act's intention for future production, while providing relief to the industry and the riding community for vehicles already manufactured and those manufactured during the stay."

It is ironic that I am defending vehicles that I consider to be dangerous for children under 12 to ride and which contain accessible parts with excess levels of lead. However, the alternatives appear to be more dangerous. American parents seem to be willing to accept the risk for their children riding these vehicles, so it is the agency's task, at this stage, to ensure that the vehicles are as safe as possible. One safety rule the agency has stressed is keeping children off of adult-sized ATVs.1 To the extent that new children's ATVs cannot currently meet the lead limits in the CPSIA, there is the likelihood that parents seeking new vehicles will buy adult-sized ATVs for their children to use.

We have also been notified by one ATV manufacturer that they are simply relabeling their Y-6+ and Y-10+ youth ATVs as Y-12+, removing the speed limiting device and continuing to sell them.

NOTE: There's a way around it. . . LOL

Thus the vehicles that are more accurately sized for younger children will be less safe because of their ability to attain higher speeds.

I believe a stay of enforcement issued by the Commission should:

--relieve all makers, sellers, and distributors of youth motorized recreational vehicles made to date and through the expiration date of the stay from enforcement actions for failure to meet the lead limits of the CPSIA;

--allow those vehicles to be repaired, sold, traded, and otherwise used as they have been;

--allow the sale, distribution and installation of replacement parts that are comparable in lead levels to the old part being replaced until such time as those parts can be brought into compliance;

--expect industry to bring their vehicle components into compliance on a

reasonable schedule, to the extent that is technologically feasible, and to provide us with the detailed information we need to make informed decisions about those components in the future.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Indy has some cool t shirts" I do not want to eat my dirt bike, just ride it?". I think that all this circle jerking gives us lay peons a dose of what glorified lawyers/politicians do every day? Loretta's is seemingly on, kids racing is still on? But that flowers bill may still get snuck into law! And the wake up call to these bozos is the idea that the renegades will put their kids on adult equipment, reallll rocket scientists there bub! "Which way did they go, which way did they go?"
Dec 31, 2008
what are your guys opinions about the future of this ban? to me, there is no way such a ridiculous rule can stay in affect for too long. theres too much money to be made for them not to allow the sale of the smaller bikes. it would be insane if in 5 years they still werent making/selling 50's etc. i think they are going ot have to lighten up on the lead or make new bikes with less lead or something? i dont know, i still cant get over this, its the most ridiculous thing it the world, it deosnt sit well with me at all, its absolutely could they take away something like this from kids? :whoa: :|

lets not let kids under 12 play baseball because of the dangerous bats :laugh:

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