Tm 250 parts help


Mar 31, 2007
hi a mate has bought an 03 tm 250 which has been neglected pretty bad but he is cleaning it up and the engine is supposed to be spot on. Basically he has bought some new white plastic kit for it a kx plastic kit so hopefully they will fit. New levers etc. What airbox would fit it? Any 250 aribox? also what pipe and exhaust would fit seen as though they are rather rusted! i dont want to buy expensive cr fmf fatty's and find out they dont fit :yikes:
cheers sam


Nov 29, 2006
I would call Motowest or this TM Dealer in Ohio.
Coppersmith Powersports
(330) 724-2900

I have gotten TM specifics parts from them. I know I have mostly acerbis plastic on my 1999 black tm en 300.
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