Track Builder WANTED

Aug 31, 2004
I need a person thats experienced to come build me a track. I live in Marshall,VA in the middle of no where and have an open field PERFECT for a track. I need someone that can do it for under $600. I also guarentee that whoever builds it can ride there anytime they want. I want this to be a nice nice track thats technical, yet fun. I want some pretty big jumps (30-95 ft) some whoops, nice burms, tabletops, you know the who works. we can also have organized rides here for whoever wants to ride here. just reply to the thread if you can do it. or call me at (540)364-0497...thanks dude :rotfl:

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
RacerYZ250F_93 said:
I need someone that can do it for under $600.
Good luck! Our track isn't finished and it's already over $11K. Sad part is it's only modifications & additions to an existing track.


Aug 24, 2004
yeah, I was going to mention that $600 probably doesn't even cover the cost of fuel... not to mention equpment time.... and then theres the man hours...

I would be suprised if you get any takers, but good luck, and you never know, maybe someone who lives right near you, has the equipment already and wants a track too?


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
I've got several grand into mine as well...and that's operating the dozer myself. I must have 30 or more man hours into it as well....and I'm not done. I need to buy 10 more (20 if I want to build a step up) loads of dirt....and that will require about 20 more hours of build time.

Maybe in 2005...sometime


Aug 4, 2000
IF you owned equipment and could dig a pond on the land to get the dirt, you would still be looking at over $600 just for fuel. I was able to find a friend to help me and it still cost $1000 just to rent a second piece of equipment and pay him a little for his four 12 hour days.

You won't believe how much dirt it takes. I've always complained that there should be more tabletops on tracks. Now I understand how much dirt those damn things take. If you want to have a wide enough track so that there is more than one line, you will find that it takes close to 10 yards of dirt to build even a small (20') double with landing. I went through over 2000 yards of dirt very fast. Thankfully I have natural terrain to work with, or it would have gone even quicker.

Now, if you are building a small (1-2 acre) single line track, you will be able to get by with much less dirt and should be able to build it with a small Bobcat.

Start small, build easy, flat jumps until you learn the angles. Most people make the jumps way to steep initially. Things look different on a bulldozer or on foot than they do on the bike.


Sep 7, 2004
you know that you can post that you have a lot to dump overfill from job sites. my uncle builds houses just outside chicago and when he needs more "clean" dirt he just posts it to other contruction companies and they pay him 25 bucks a truckload to dump on his property. it may be different in the open country but near chicago its hard to find places to dump extra land. just fyi
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