track constructing


Sep 5, 2003
im working on peicing together a track at my house, i just wanted to know if neone had packing hints, burm forming hits, the works, should you trench the track area with a culldozer or just build ontop of the lang, wut are the best ways to pack, you knwo all this stuff, thanx all the tips help


Aug 17, 2002
the best thing is to build track on the land that way your track drains better.if bobcat and dozer are about the best combination use bobcat to make rough corner then depending on size you can shape smaller berms with bobcat bigger corners use dozer because more dirt you need more weight to pack the berm. the face of jumps whatever you feel comfortable with use either bobcat or dozer you can use dizer to form the jump face then smooth with the bobcat. for whoops the best is to figure out how wide you want them then dump a bucket load until you have the width filled then roll with the bucket and drive over with tires keep doing that until you have the height you want just keep rollin them keep them smooth. if you have any more questions just ask.
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