Trans oil for Maicos


Apr 28, 2001
I'm getting conflicting information on the type of oil to run in my tranny. The Maico factory manual says 30 wt. Rick at Northwest Maico says Castrol 20w - 50. And a local old-timer who had the Maico and CZ dealership here says all the guys racing them in the old days ran ATF, any old kind, whatever is cheapest. Back in my younger days, Vic Krause recommended Bel Ray 80 wt hypoid gear oil in my 72 MC125. (It never shifted worth a damn anyway) All recommend changing the oil after every race or every other practice ride. With the Maico clutches as finickey as they are, what works best?


Dec 4, 2000
OldMaicoNut: What year is your Maico? Was the manual printed the same year which would make it outdated as to all the improvements and updates available in todays market. In my 83 Maico 490, I use CASTROL SYNTEC 5W-50, FULL SYNTHETIC MOTOR OIL. In my 01 KTM 520EXC I use the MOBIL 15W-50 FULLY SYNTHETIC MOTOR OIL.

I don't know what your riding style is nor much about your bike, but if you find something that works, stick with it. My clutches operate smoother with these oils, and the clutch does not slip. :cool:


Oct 9, 2001
The cheif maico guy in my area, Kim Burrows, recommended Kendal 50 wt for my 73 250. I ran it in all my 2 strokes until I switched to shell 100 aero about 2 years ago (50 wt). It works great in my 02.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
I use Mobil One 15w50 in the trans of all my two strokes. Also use it in my Four Strokes. I used to use Castrol GTX 20w50. Those old Maico's of mine used to eat up 2nd or third gear. I can't remember which..but one of them. The heavier weight oils are easier on them. Forget the ATF concept.
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