
Jul 22, 2002
Hi all,I'm Nico from Belgium i am beginner racer and i just want to ask one question to experts like you.
I've just bought a Tag Metal triple clamp for my Honda Cr250 '02 but there are four positions for fiting the bar and i don't know exactly the difference between those 4 positions .
Just another thing , i have many difficulties to turn in short turns: the bike seems to go to the outside of the turn.(the fork is an Ohlins '02)
I'll hope you will give me some good advices and thanks you for all.
PS:sorry for the mistakes but i speak better french than english,i hope you'll excuse me.


May 21, 2001
Great to have another European on the boards. Your english is just fine. Let me try to give some advice. If you're tall (like 6'1), use a mounting position further away from the saddle. I'm not sure if that is best for turning...


Jul 22, 2002
thanks for the tip yzeater , i'll try this week but if i remember something that i read a few weeks ago here (but not sure) i think that the closer the bar is the easier you turn(that's the position that i use this week-end and that was wrong for me).I used a cr high protaper bar that i changed for a low one and i found it the lower easier to turn.I am 1m82 tall(don't know in inches).
I'll hope that your advice won't be last.
Bye and thanks again.
Nico ;)


Nov 18, 2001
What kind of tires? F and R? and terrain your riding in?

Is your suspension set-up properly?
I am a beginner also too,and still learning how to ride and tinker.
I'm getting better though,cause I still crash :think: , all the time :think:

See Ya.


Jul 22, 2002
the front tire is a Dunlop D755 and the rear one a Pirelli MT32.Generally we use to ride on mid or hard track and the problems for short turns is on hard track when it's softer it's much easier.
I'm not very good for setting up the suspensions so advices are welcomed.
Keep safe and try to don't fall bad as i did three month ago (foot broken with surgery)
Hope to hear you soon and thank you for all.


Nov 5, 2001
ive been through this also!

I am quite tall and having the bars forward helps a lot with room on the bike. If you are having trouble steering, re-check your rear sag! it sounds weird, but if you low in the rear it will never turn (unless you are RC- a marcus quote there!:)). Look for a race setting of around 95-100mm, and the free sag should be about 15-20mm if your spring rates are correct. Give that a try, if you want more steering still, then try moving the forks up in the triple clamps about 5mm. this will make it steer better also, you will know when you have gone too far since it will head shake done the straights.

If nither of those work, then you might have to make adjustyments with the spring rates and damping on the front...very easy.

dont be affrain to play with them clickers, record a baseline setting and have fun, sometimes it pays to set it wrong just so you know what it shouldnt feel like.

but rmember, get the bars where it is comfortable, you will never be able to steer properly with the bars touching your knees.

good luck

ps. go to yourCP and put up your flag!:)


Jul 22, 2002
Thanks for your very educative advices.
I think you're right because i used to set the suspensions for sand (easier for bad holed tracks) the rear is 100mm and 20mm and the fork is just 4mm over the upper clamp and when i read you now i remembered of those "sand settings" so that's why you're right(I just followed the instructions of Ohlins!!)
I'll try to raise the fork this week-end and i'm sure that will be more easier for steering.
I thank you very much again for those good advices and i'll try to put them in practice.
Nico :yeehaw:


Jan 22, 2002
You also might want to soften up the compression settings of the forks and/or the rebound of the shock and/or tighten up the rebound of the forks and/or compresion of the shock.

Do only one thing at a time and take it easy, feeling how it works and then try it riding hard. It is not hard to do all it takes is a methodical approach and time testing to figure out what you like for what and then finding a decent compromise for the whole track.
If you often go from wide open sand to tight hard pack write down the settings so it will be easier to remember how to set the bike up for a particular outing.


Nov 5, 2001
dont forget to try 95mm sag also, its definately worth the experiment!

looks like youve found the flag OK! :thumb:

and the :yeehaw:


Jul 22, 2002
Thank you all for your good advices and i'll try them out this week-end and let you know the results.
Sincerly i'm very happy to get so good help here and see how people are doing their best for making grow newbies like me just for the love of their passion .
Hear u soon!
Nico :thumb: :thumb: :yeehaw: :yeehaw:


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by blackwolf001

Keep safe and try to don't fall bad as i did three month ago (foot broken with surgery)

I hear ya on that one Bro.
Last year my foot did a 180 and turned upside down.
It still aches everyday,mostly when its cold.(due to a plate and screws)

Anyway,hope you get your bike set-up somethin awesome for you.
And Be safe too.
See Ya...
Hey!! Nice Flag! :confused:

And thanks to the other guys who replied too.
I've learned alot, just on this thread alone.
Especially, the fork up or down 5mm thing.>>>>>> :cool:


Jul 22, 2002
We had the same injury (foot 180° , one plate and 6 screws still in my foot)and you're right : everyday it hurts me specially when the weather is wet and as i heard you it will last a long time.
So till next time take care of you and be careful.
See ya. :thumb:


Jan 17, 2001
BTW, you are 5'-9 5/8" tall ;)
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