
Aug 12, 2000
My Sons TTR125L chole cable is a joke. Why the factory put a pull cable for the choke is hard to believe BUT, my Sons always sticks and is very difficult to start without the choke on. What options do I have to remove it? Is it advisable to replace the carb with a new one that has a lever choke?

TTR already has a new jet, BBR air filter and Pro Circuit pipe so I am thinking maybe a new carb is the way to go. Any advice on a new replacement carb?



tree Dr

Sep 10, 2002
Get the adapter from BBR and a carb for an XR200. Its well worth the $230 to have the choke in the right place. It also starts and warms up much easier. Run a 110 - 115 mainjet. Its a Keihin carb so the jets you have will not work.


Dec 1, 2001
a quick question, does your bike bog out when it's warming up? Mine is two weeks old, an '03 model, I pull the choke knob out, it starts after the third kick, i let it warm up a little, then when I push the choke back down, it stalls, if I leave it running longer with the choke on, then push it in, it will idle , but stall when giving it the gas, sometime i just ride with the choike on for awhile until everything works out, any thoughts?? thanks......

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