TTR-125L Not Starting!!

Kenneth Kuhn

Mar 2, 2002
Bought my son a 2001 TTR-125L approximately 6 months ago. While we were using it constantly, never a problem starting it. Didn't use it for approximately 3-4 weeks, then wouldn't start. Gas was overflowing out of the drain tube. The local dealer advised that the float was probably stuck and advised that the carb needed to be serviced. Prior to doing that, I rapped it a couple of times with a rubber mallet, and it started!!

Now this problem of not starting is constant, and as of today, we can't start it at all. My son's friend is having the same problem with a TTR-225.

The selling dealer advises that I need to drain the carb when I store it. If I was storing it for a month I could understand, but a week! The bike hasn't got more then 100 miles on it!! I'm taking it in to the dealer today to see if they can fix and give me some better insight.

I bought my XR-250 at the same time, and it has the same number of miles on it. No problem starting it!!

Any idea's, recommendations, etc. would be greatly appreciated.


Feb 23, 2002
dont know, but i have the same bike as your son's, and when my brother broke his foot, the bike was inactive(sp?) for about a month, and when mine broke i got his out and after a few kicks it started just fine! do you store it with the gas on? the valve is on the left side of the bike, turn it clockwise, i think, till it is horizontal. maybe that'll help. lata:confused:


Apr 30, 2001
Does fuel come out of the overflow at this time? If so you need to drop the carb bowl and remove the float needle. There may be a larger chunk of crud,too big to pass thru the seat, but small enough to hold the needle down just a bit , to cause Flooding. It sounds silly but make sure the fuel is shut off when parked and if it has been flooded badly,check the oil to see if there is gas in it.My Wife's is really lean so it takes a lot of choke and several kicks if it's been sitting(6-10).

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
sounds like time for some carb service.

sounds like it will be a simple problem though. do the easy stuff first! fresh plug, clean air filter, give it a try. no worky pull the carb for a inspection. good luck!
Jun 14, 2004
Simple Fix

check for spark, clean carb replace main jets, adjust to factory settings, clean bowl remove dirt and other sediments
drain gas put fresh in, run a water remover . or carb clean through gas tank, or replace carb with original factory Mikini 20 mm carb.
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