Turning tires


Jul 30, 2002
I was riding with a pretty good number of people today and while loading up the trucks I mentioned that I'd have to turn my tire around before the next race since the leading edge of the knobs are looking a little dull. They all looked at me as If I was nuts and said they'd never heard of such a thing. :eek: They simply go buy new ones. Am I old? Cheap? or what? When I was their age this was a common practice, maybe paper routes and lawn mowing pay more than they used to.


Jul 29, 2000
South America
Yeah them yunguns never understand us old folk. Probably their daddies pay for everything. Or maybe they are just conventional thinkers and what you mentioned isn't conventional. Next time tell them that your knob edges are dull on both sides and so you'll have to use your razor blade to slice off the rounded off edges. They'll probably do another double take. When they do, don't hold your tongue but help them understand your perspective.
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