Ultimate decision BATTLE: 200e/xc VS. 250e/xc


Jan 10, 2001
I have posted many times on these two bikes and i know you guys are probably sick of hearing it, but i really want a KTM and i'm down to the last two and i just don't know which. The local dealer has a 200 at $5600 out the door and a 250 $6425 out the door. I want the 250 but is it really worth the extra 800 some bucks? I just got my Cycle World and they rated the 200 the best enduro bike of the year. I wanna hear the guys with the 200's battle the 250's, what made you buy the one you did? I have a XR250 now and like the low end power, will i miss that on the 200? will i just love the 250? Thanks alot, i need a decision by about the 11th or 12th, Thanks, you guys are awesome


Mar 7, 2001
As you know both are excellent bikes, fast enough for expert racers yet forgiving enough for beginners. For me the decision would come down to rider size. The 200 is nimble, has plenty of power (actually an awesome mill), and small and works well most everywhere. For those of us in the 6'+ crowd, the 250 is the better choice (tall and stretched out). The 250 is also longer and more stable at speed (thus giving up some nimbleness, but not a hinderance). The KTM 250 EXC (or the TM250/300 enduro) is probably the best go anywhere, any terraine, any day with any pilot motorcycle built PERIOD (read versatile!!).


Jan 10, 2001
This might help some

I am 6'0" and 165 lbs with gear on. But i am still growing and want to ride this bike for a long time. I do only weight 165 though, will the 250 just get me in trouble? I ride fairly tight hairscramble terrain, but the occasional open road. How fast are the bikes on top compared to each other? I don't really want to get into trouble with the hit of the smaller liter 200, i want more smooth power, but not "smooth, not shoot me off the trail into trees smooth."


Mar 19, 2001

I have an 01 200 exc. It rocks! Nothing like it in the tight woods, it is a 125 on steroids.....very nimble, great low end with the stock pipe, fabulous low end with an FMF Gnarly and a TC2 on it. At the same price I would still buy the 200!:confused:


Jan 10, 2001
Question for Ktm033

Ktm033 have you ever ridden an XR250? if so how does it compare? Does it have alot of low end, do you like the 6-speed, cuz my XR has a 6 but the 250 has a 5-speed and i think i might miss the all the choices of gears. Thanks


Mar 19, 2001
XR, I have, although the XR is a nice bike, very nice, the KTM is much more nimble, handles better, has a lot more mid range and even with the stock exhaust has about equal low end.....your riding style won't change, your lap times will!


Mar 7, 2001
Don't worry about bike size at 6' & 160lbs, you are a size that can ride all bikes (at 15yrs age 6' tall and 125lbs wet I was riding a KDX 250 and KDX400). You won't miss the extra gear on the 250 EXC. Either KTM have about twice the hp of the XR250 and suspension is so much better that you can't even compare.


Aug 2, 2000
This weekend there is a harescramble at Timber Ridge (where you ride). As I said before, why don't you go there and ask the racers about their KTM's.

At a harescramble in Iowa this past weekend (non AMA) Kirk Foster was the overall winner on a 200 KTM. I don't know Kirks weight but it is probably 180 to 200 but I do know that he is TALL. Last year he was on a 125 KTM which he won on and it appears that he has also taken to the 200 since this was his first race on it.

Personaly I would ride a 200 (and I do) but the 250 is also a great bike. You will do just fine on either one.


Mar 19, 2001
XR the 200 doesn't make power like a 125 MX bike, you will not be constantly fanning the clutch. The 250 rocks but again same money I would buy the 200.


Jun 5, 2001
Some of the information you got in response to your original post are slightly misleading. Both the 250 and the 200 are the same size. As is the 125, the 300, the 380, the 400, and the 520. They all use the same length, height dimensions. I have only been working with KTM sales for 3 years but have grown to love them. The past use of Japanese drug bikes (Yamaha, Honda, etc..), is now behind me and I will never turn back. The real truth here is what kinda riding are you going to be doing, because the weight difference is non-existing (they weigh only pounds different when wet). The six speed in the 200 is fun, it keeps you in the power when you are on the move, but when fatigued you will have to continue to shift a lot and possibly feather the clutch more than you would like to. The 250 has quite a noticeable difference in torque over the 200, so you won't get quite as fatigued as early, which is good if you like to putt around every once in a while. But overall they are very similar in acceleration, and top speed. They use the same fork setting stock so there is actually no difference in feel while riding other than power output. I own the 250 ex/c and I have riden the 200 ex/c, so in my experience I would save $800 and get the 200. The prices you are specifying seems like a noticeble gap. The dealer seems to have marked up the 250 while leaving the 200 the same. If you could work out a better price on the 250 buy it. The retail should be around $6195.

Monkey Butt

Jun 1, 2000
I do not work for a KTM dealer but I have a KTM catalog right here in front of me and it show the 125 and 200 models having identical frame specifications. The larger KTM 2-strokes have a different steering head angle and wheel base than the the 125/200. So the 125/200's are different than the larger 2-strokes. This verifies everything I have ever read regarding this matter.

As far as which bike is right for you? I own a 200exc and would highly recomend it to anyone. I was pursuaded to go with the 200 over the 250 by an "A" harescrambler. He owned a 200 and 250exc, which were the same year, at the same time. He sold his 250 and kept the 200. By the way he is about 5'-11" and 190 -200 pounds. I have never regretted buying the 200. It is by far the best bike I have ever owned. It handles great in the tight woods and has great lowend power. It is easy to ride a gear high in the woods because it has such a good bottom end. The top and mid range rock as well. I took the hole shot at my last race against 250's and large four strokes if that tells you anything.

Having said that I am sure you would be happy with either bike.

Good Luck,


Mar 7, 2001
Hmm!! just my thoughts on which is best for what.
If you are trail riding and not in the best of shape, the extra low end of the 250 would make it a little less tiring to ride. If you are racing the low end isn't as important and then the extra 12 lbs of the 250 would make it a little more tiring to race. If you are in good shape it shouldn't make much difference and then how tight of riding you do would be a bigger factor. Tighter 200, more open 250. Personally if I were buying, I'm sure I would perfer the 250 but would let my wallet decide on the 200.


Mar 19, 2001
I have a 00 200 and 250 EXC. The frames are different. The 250 has a longer layout then the 200. The 200 is also lighter and feels much lighter when riding it. I prefer the 200 and am selling my 250 to get another 200. I ride AA at the local HS and Enduros and feel the 200 is the best way to go. The 200 has just as much torque as the 250 and just about the same top end. At an enduro last sunday my friend and I were drag racing down a logging road and he could not out run me, he was on an 01 250EXC and is also a AA rider. The 200 made riding fun for me again as I was having a little bit of burn out at the start of the season, so this is why I say go for the 200.


Aug 28, 2000
Wow, what a difference in price. In Michigan there is only a $200 dollar price difference. I owned a 2000 250exc and now own a 2001 200exc.

2001 200exc
-Much more nimble due to lighter weight and slightly smaller wheelbase.
-Good low with excellent mid to top. Mid to top is very strong but not out of control. I believe my 200 has more top then the 2000 250. Although I heard the 2001 250 has a stronger top.
-Sprung softer then the 250 but you should be ok for your weight.

2000 250exc
-Huge amount of low end with very strong mid to softer top. You can make mistakes and still not have to abuse the clutch.
-Sprung stiffer then the 200.
-Slightly more stable at speed then the 200.

-Very hard to compare to these bikes they are not even in the same league suspension or power wise. If you love your Xr250 it will take sometime to get use to the KTM's. The 200 is more similar if I had to compare them.

I enjoy the 200 more then the 250 and I also believe I am much faster as well. I ride mostly tight trail and occasional head out to the motorcross track to put some practice laps on.


Jul 12, 2000
I love my 250. I'd go with it I think based on your size for one. You should be able to get a better price on the 250 though. The price you were given seems very high to me. I got my 250 EXC for $5998 out the door with tax and everything only a year ago. I think both bikes are great and I'd love to have a 200 but only if I could have both.


Apr 5, 2001
200 vs 300

I have read your discussions comparing 200 to 250s,, what about 200s to 300s. The dealer I spoke with says 300 is the easiest / most forgiving.. I don't think he has any 200s or 250s in stock and don't know if this influences his viewpoint. Are the 300s a handful in a tight woods for a older mid 40s rider (who use to be decent) that wants to get back into it after a 10 yr layoff..


Jan 10, 2001

i'm pretty confused at this point but i would like to know this.... Does the 200 have a hit in the woods? Do you snap the throttle to bring the front end up a tad, maybe 6" and it "hits" and comes way up out of control? you guys are great but you keep telling me that you like both, now i want both. If only i could win the lottery!


Nov 16, 1999
nice ride RYAN!!!

Hey Ryan,

Nice ride at Huntersville!! I was riding on 9 and you caught me in the 2 long sections...I got to watch you ride a bit and was impressed. Makes me want a 200exc...they DO look fun.:)

Monkey Butt

Jun 1, 2000

When I first brought my 200 home it had a big hit. Only because the factory jets the bike too rich on the bottom end and middle. The hit can be jetted out easily using a straight taper needle and a leaner pilot jet. If you go with the straight taper needle, you will also have too richen the main jet. So for less than $20.00 you can mellow the hit way down. I don't even consider my bike to have a hit now and that is the way I like it in the woods. It starts making good strong power right off of the bottom and pulls very strong all the way through the power range. The throttle responce will still be there but it is controlable. I've never had any problem with the bike wheeling out from under me when raising the front end to cross over something but I certainly don't have any trouble raising the front end when I want to.



Mar 19, 2001
Monkey But is right, the 200EXC does have a little hit from the factory but with proper jetting that is corrected. I also run a FMF spark arrestor from a 250 and this allows it to rev out more in my opionin. Don't forget you can adjust the power vavle to play with how the power is delivered. As for out of control power, that doesn't happen, the 200 can lift the front wheel at any time and it won't get away from you. Both the 250 and 200 are very controllable power wise. Like I said I have both and prefer the 200 for all around racing. I just raced the MOOSE Run and was glad i was on the 200, lighter feeling and handles the tight woods better. In IL most of the enduros /HS have very tight woods and then connect them with fields, and the 200 handles both very well! It lets you ride it like a 250 when you are tired, and ride it like a 125 when your fresh and ready to rip.

Grunk it was good to see you, I haven't been up to MN for a while. I had alot of fun at Huntersville. I should have done a little better but my wrists have been giving me problems this year, once again glad I had the 200, the 250 would have tired me out way to much. Plus I rode that section before gas with the throttle stuck wide open, the cable frayed in the housing and would not let the cable return. It was intersting thats for sure. Hope to see you at Akeley.


Nov 16, 1999

You know I wondered about that!!! I think you went around me and something weird was going on....but I wasn't sure what. My question about the 200 is this: I rode a 98' a couple years back and the VIBRATION was bad...I have carpal tunnel in my hands and they fall asleep EASY. Are the vibes at the handlebars pretty much gone on the new ones?? Thanks.


Mar 19, 2001
my 01 200 has very little vibration....I know that it has been referenced above but check out Cycle World's enduro comparo in the new issue...the bike rocks!!!!!!!!!!;)


Jan 10, 2001
Decisions decisions

bunch of questions:
How fast is the top speed of the 200 and 250?
How much more bottom doest he 250 have? I ride a XR, i'm used to luggin it, can i lug a 200 or do i need to spend the extra dough for a 250?
Kind of expensive but am i gonna wish i had the 250?
I don't want to have to use the clutch pretty much at all.
Is the 250 bottom out of control, or is it smooth?
Is it as nimble in the tight woods as my XR? Thanks.
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