Joe Diver

N. Texas SP
Mar 21, 2005
Thought I'd share this here....

Flight #1
Yesterday was the 4th time I've taken the bike out. I've been careful since it's been so long (20+) years since I've ridden, but dang it's fun. So, as I round a nice big berm, I guess I just wasn't positioned right because when I got on it to blast out of it....and I have done this before, just not as fast...for some reason the front tire didn't do what I wanted it to do. As I was sailing through the air upside down, my bike going the opposite way, I thought to mysef "I hope I land on something soft"...I impacted on my left shoulder/back and slid into the bushes on the other side of the berm. I layed there, admiring the beautiful blue sky as seen through the bushes, when I heard my buddy running up yelling "Jesus okay?"...I was he started laughing at me telling me that when he looked over all he saw was my bike going one way and me the other, with my boots where my head should be. He was the only one who saw this.

Flight #2
Dang sand, get's me every time. Just like when I was a teen. I'm rounding this small uphill, with a bit of a berm to it. The other side is wide open dirt and sand with alot of riders. I guess I was going too fast or doing something wrong because I just didn't quite make it and went over the side. As I was sailing through the air again I thought to myself, "It's time to call it a day.". I landed flat on my back and slid 10 feet or so. As I layed there in my humiliation I noticed a CR Honda guy come up to check on me, so I gave him a thumbs up to let him know I was okay, which I was. Now I'm really dirty and starting to hurt though. This time, LOTS of people saw it.

So today, I'm pretty sore but not too bad really, considering. I have a nasty bruise on my left elbow, shoulder, and rib area, plus all around general stiffness...but nothing is broken, dislocated, torn or stretched.

I have to say this though...I could have felt this way from busting my balls doing yardwork or something and been bummed...but when I moan or strecth now, I just smile 'cause it was SO WORTH IT!! :cool:


Jul 27, 2004
I was drag racing my son on his CR 125 (I was on my KDX 250) across a field near our home. We were running side by side WFO, and all of a sudden the ride smoothed out. Mainly because I was horizontal in the air above my speeding KDX. I have watched lots of superman-seat-grabs on the X-Games, but all that viewing didn't help me get back aboard. The bike had a much smoother landing than me, but both of us were servicable post-crash. Damn groundhogs.

Colorado Mike

Jun 28, 2004
I got back into riding after a long layoff too. Not sure what your equipment is like, but I used to ride with just a helmet, boots, and gloves (well, clothes too). A few things have changed since I used to ride; 1) the bikes are faster, 2) my reactions are slower, 3) I heal a lot slower too. All of this added up made me load up on the protective gear. The first ride taught me I need knee protection ( still have a dent in my knee-cap), second one gashed my elbow, and I got speared in the chest.

Now that I wear all the stuff it's minimized the injuries. I still don't like the bulkiness and heat of it, but I'm getting used to it.

have fun,

Joe Diver

N. Texas SP
Mar 21, 2005
:) I've had some problems getting back here the last couple of days...

I have Oneal pants and jersey, helmet, boots, gloves and goggles. I don't have any of body armor stuff, but I may look into getting some. When I wrote that Sunday, I wasn't feeling too bad...but Monday morning when I got up...oh left shoulder/arm/ribs were really sore. I'm on the tail end of that nasty flu going around, so every cough is agony.

Still no was so worth it! I just need to calm down a bit and take it a little more easy. The things I used to do, that my mind still seems to know how to do...well, that was 20 years and 70 pounds ago. My mind says one thing, but the bike and my body don't quite cooperate like they used to. Having the riding experience all those years ago is a two edged sword...I know how to ride, but things just don't work exactly the same anymore.
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