Upcoming TV Special....Should Be Good


Mar 20, 2001
John Stossel Challenges the Doomsayers Warnings on Genetic
Engineering, Human Cloning and Global Warming, in a One-Hour Special,
Tampering with Nature with John Stossel, Airing Friday, June 29

In a one-hour special, ABC News Correspondent John Stossel
investigates the outcry over genetic engineering and human cloning and challenges
the dire warnings surrounding global warming and bovine growth hormone.
Why have recent advances in science been met with fear, protests, even
acts of terrorism? Why is the industrial society that helped make our
comfortable lives possible treated with suspicion and contempt? Stossel challenges
the activists who say we're destroying the earth's ecosystem with
everything from genetic engineering to greenhouse gases. Tampering with Nature
airs FRIDAY, June 29, 10-11 p.m. ET on the ABC Television Network.

Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore, who has quit Greenpeace, says the
environmental movement has been hijacked by political activists.
"They're using environmental rhetoric to cloak agendas like class warfare and
anti-corporatism that, in fact, have almost nothing to do with ecology,"
Moore tells Stossel.

Lately, the greenhouse effect and global warming have been all over
the news. But Stossel interviews climatologists who say there is no
consensus that global warming is harming the planet. They point to the
often-overlooked fact that huge piles of federal funding are at stake.

Says Pat Michaels of the University of Virginia: "Let's imagine
there's a senate hearing, and the senator who disburses the funds goes to the
administrator of NASA and says, 'I've heard global warming is the most
serious problem confronting mankind. Can your agency use another $2
billion a year to study this thing?' What's he gonna say? No?"
Moreover, Stossel points out that even if greenhouse gases were restricted, at a
cost of trillions of dollars to U.S. taxpayers, it is estimated that
this would prevent a rise in temperature of only a fraction of a degree.

Despite great improvements in the U.S. environment, schoolkids are
often given one-sided presentations about the horrors of industrial society.

Some educators and activists are enlisting students to protest the
Bush White House as part of their school curriculum, and are delivering
presentations that leave some kids fearful about the fate of humanity.

"If we don't stop [global warming]," says one student, "we could all

Stossel then turns to cloning and interviews Dr. Panos Zavos, who
hopes to clone human beings soon with new technology. "It's a marvelous thing,"
says Zavos, a reproductive specialist who wants to help infertile
couples have babies. "We have more than 1,000 couples that want to be cloned,"
he says. Anti-cloning activist Rev. Patrick Mahoney disagrees, asking
what will become of deformed children created by this new technique. "Who
takes care of that child?"

Stossel reports that genetic engineering is already saving lives
through cutting-edge medical treatments, despite activists' fears. Biotech is
also helping to make food more plentiful, as with bovine growth
hormone that increases milk production. But as Stossel finds out, even though
the World Health Organization, the FDA and the AMA all say milk from cows
given bovine growth hormone is perfectly safe, activists condemn it,
one New York protester even likening it to "crack for cows."

Many of us romanticize the simple life of groups like the Pilgrims,
but life without modern technology is tough-often fatal. Half the
Pilgrims died. That's something to keep in mind when people insist that we
should never "tamper with nature." Stossel concludes that we alter our
environment not to destroy but "to make our lives better in a hundred

ABCNEWS.com, the 24-hour news service of ABC News and part of the Walt
Disney Internet Group, will provide companion programming to the

Victor Neufeld is the senior executive producer of Tampering with
Nature, Martin Phillips the executive producer, and Deborah Colloton and Mark
Golden the producers.


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001

"Half the pioneers died"---uh, I think all of them did. :think

Have to support your obvious view on genetic engineering and global warning, but as someone "in the field" who understands the intrinsics of cloning--human cloning should not go on. And surprisingly, the main reason I say this was referred to in your post above: error. There is unbelievable failure cloning--eg, with rodents, a 25% success rate is considered excellent. The remainder of the animals are either morbidly deformed or cannot develop. Are you ready to see that with humans?

You talk about an ethical problem--wait til the human rights folks/ACLU get involved when all these watermelon-shaped cyclops babies with no legs start showing up on DATELINE NBC. :scream:


Mar 20, 2001
I never said I support cloning, or anything in that post for that matter. Actually, I am against cloning myself. I don't think it is right, plus, there are enough people in the world as it is !!

I was just posting that message about the show. Doesn't mean it supports ALL of my views.


Jun 5, 2000
Stossel was on the O'Reilly Factor last night. Apparently ABC had a segment in this show where Stossel interviews some elementary school kids - asking them a series of questions about the environment. "Do you think the air is getting more polluted?", etc. The intent was to contrast what the kids are being taught vs. objective reality (i.e EPA says air is cleaner). While all the parents were present at the taping and were fine with it then, certain Enviromental activist groups got wind of it and lobbied the parents, demonizing Stossel in the process, and two months later got them to request that ABC not use the tape with their kids.

KLX Spode

Feb 29, 2000
The show was great!

Amazing that ABC showed it at all! Only bummer was they showed it so late. Would have had a better impact if it showed at 8 instead of 10. I love the part when the Hippy chick protesting Bovine Growth Hormone. She was proudly holding a sign saying the the US was the only country using it legally. When Stossell told her it was being used legally in 70 other countries, her jaw dropped like she MAYBE realised the idiots she idolized might have actually lied tot her!


Mar 20, 2001
Damn, I forgot to set the VCR. Did anyone tape it ? Was it good enough for me to go thru the trouble of having someone make a tape copy and send it to me ??

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