
Jan 17, 2001
Hi all......hard to believe it has been 5 months since my injury, and even harder to believe that I actually rode my bike again so soon! Just to refresh your memory---I severed my ACL, PCL & ACL; tore my LCL and cartilage and chipped my patella and tibia. Whew! I honestly did not think I would be riding anytime this year, and especially not before fall. I have been working hard at PT and should be released next week. Woo Hoo!! I am bending it about 124 degrees and walking very well. The Doctor actually told me a month or so ago that it was ok to start riding again, if I wanted to. At that time, however, I was still pretty skittish. And Bob was in no hurry to get a few minor things fixed on my bike, so it was not a big deal. Well, the last few weeks I have been really getting the itch to ride again. Bob and Woodchuck worked on my bike late into the evening on Saturday getting everything in working order. We got up on Sunday and headed to Buffalo Range. It felt like any other weekend trip to Buffalo, and certainly not like I had a 5 month rest..... :confused:

Did I mention that it was about 106 degrees with the heat index? I must have lost my mind along with my ligaments!

I started out for the "Mini" MX track (beginners & kids) to get my bearings back. I did about 10 laps on that and felt pretty good. I had to go back and adjust my CTI brace, as it was digging into the back of my leg. Once that was fixed, we set off on the trails. There is a dip right off the bat and I wobbled through that (my balance is definitely off) and rode to the next obstacle. This is a tricky section, as it is now quite washed out and it has somewhat of a steep but short climb, that has a few rocks, roots etc...I killed the engine :uh: To be expected. Then after that I rode the rest of that trail and on to the next with no other incidents. Then we came to the 2nd quarry and I knew that there was a big downhill coming up. I snapped out of my scared mode and just went for it. I had no problem going down the hill, which is quite steep and loose. At the bottom, Bob and Woodchuck were cheering me on! ;) We kept along our trail at a nice pace and I finally fell down---something I had been anticipating---my front tire washed out in the heavy sand and down I went. No big deal and my knee survived!! We then went up and down several big hills, sandy, root infested, twisty, creek and mud crossings, you name it. I did fine on all the sections. I think Bob was more amazed than I was. When we went mountain biking a few weeks ago I was afraid of all the hills and ended up hiking quite a few of those. Bob was thinking that would translate to mean I would be afraid of all the hills on the motorcycle also--so I am happy to report that was NOT the case! I also fell down a few more times and had no trouble. We ended the loop on the famous "railroad" trail and I was clipping along pretty good there until about 1/2 mile or so from the end. I just lost all my energy (overheated) and killed the engine on a section where there is a tree down and you have to go up and around it. I did not have the energy to start the bike again (Bob helped) and I rode the rest of the way back. It was a fun loop, but I was feeling pretty exhausted, overheated and my knee was feeling stressed. I put my leg up and relaxed in the shade as they guys took another long loop. All in all, it was a great day!! I am extremely happy with my riding ability and can't wait to get out again!!

Thanks for all the support while I was out and for helping me through this injury!!

GSR---when are you coming to IL? Or when should I plan a trip to St. Joe Park?? :confused:


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Wow! Great news, Anne! And great ride report. :)

Riding when the heat index is 106....what we won't do when we got the itch, eh?

Glad your first ride back was successful. Your confidence will just grow by leaps and bounds, now.


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Dang girl! And I thought I might actually stand a chance while you made a come back from the injured list. ;) Sounds like you're doing better than me. :confused: How far are you from Wardy's Fox Valley Offroad Park? We've been there a few times recently. The last time we were there I pretty much just stuck to the track since I've about had it with the woods around here. :( St. Joe's has been looking better and better since it is pretty wide open. I've always wanted to check out Buffalo Range but I'm having second thoughts now. I hear it's pretty tough, but I'm sure TTRGuy would love it so maybe we'll give it a shot sometime.
Riding in a 106 temps?!! Noooo way, huh uh, notta chance sista! If it's in the triple digits, there's only once place you'll find me, somewhere airconditioned! :confused:
I look forward to meeting up with you soon.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Yeah, Anne! Great job on getting back out there! Such a progressive woman!


Jan 31, 2001
Hi Anne.. Im glad to hear you are riding again..and so soon.. You must have been working very hard to make it happen! A team effort Im sure !
Congrats and well done !! Woohooo !!


Oct 9, 2000
I am glad to hear you had a great ride, Anne. It's funny how you can still ride even though you've been off the bike for some time. You just loose your speed some (that was the case for me). I thought for sure it was going to be like day 1 again when I got back on the bike. Keep up the rides and you will be above your skill level before you got hurt. :)


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
Congrats Anne! I'm glad to hear you're riding again. Be careful in heat like that. It can get the best of you before you realize it!

Again, it great to hear you back on the bike! :)


Jan 17, 2001
Good job Anne. I'm glad to hear about your recovery and first ride back. Take it easy.



Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Congrats! I bet it feels SO great to be back on the bike, I know it did when I got back on and that was only 3 months. Good job!

Now the hardest part is keeping up on the exercises--I slacked off once I could ride again, and my left leg is still smaller and weaker than my right.


Feb 9, 2000
Great news Anne, stay safe. Alan


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Ditto, Talk about the best place to bite it in, a sand trap! Glad to hear your knee survived!


Aug 2, 2002
Good Job Anne - I suffered the same injury in high school...still have a very attractive scar on my left knee.. Keep plugging away...and are you nuts??? Get in the A/C!!
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