Update HB 4323


Aug 23, 2003
Thought you would like to know that it ain't over yet. still need letters and e-mails

December 5, 2007

HB 4323 remains as passed on March 20th by the House and now in the Senate Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs chaired by Senator Birkholz (R) D-24. The Bill remains alive until the final gavel of this session of Legislature in December of 2008.

On October 10th, a group of ten, made the rounds of the Senate offices and made more awareness of HB 4323. We have some letters of support and several verbals of the same. We are lacking a couple or three to having a majority and for us to move forward, we are going to have to make one on one appointments with the Senators and fully explain the intended workings of HB 4323.

Letters of support thus far have came in from Senators, Barcia, Brater, Hunter, Jacobs, McManus with several giving verbal support or waiting to hear the story from other groups.

We must realize, this has been a busier year than normal because of budget issues. There has been very little general legislation acted upon. Thus far, no one has said, “the Bill is dead”. It is very much alive and waiting its turn!

A concern for many of us is that the Bill will suddenly come through the Committee and onto the Senate floor for a vote and we have not done our job in contacting our Senator in supporting the Bill. We have to remember, we are dealing with Lansing and a deal could be struck and the Bill could fly within just a few hours. Stranger things have happened.

If your Senator is not on the list of supporting, you need to call or e-mail your Senator again and let them know you support HB 4323 “as presented from the House”. We have a short window in December, same for January, but we need every letter of support in the Senators offices possible.

Letters of high value are from Sheriffs Departments where an ordinance exists, County Commissions where an ordinance exists, Chambers of Commerce and Township Boards. Likewise for those not having the ordinance, but would like to see HB 4323 passed into law that will give them a clear green light to enact.

If you have any questions, please contact Dick Ranney, Coordinator, Michigan Motorized Recreation Council @ 989 469-2405 or e-mail @ dranney1@charter.net.
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