update suspension or buy new bike?


Sep 13, 2001
I own a 93 Yam WR250. love the bike. I like the way it feels, fits and power delivery. I need better suspension, though. I had the forks and shock serviced to make them more plush, but then they bottomed harrrdddd on medium to large jumps. I added a bit more oil in the forks and it helped the bottoming, but i lost some plushness. I am 6ft 185lb and the WR fits me good. The suspension works ok in woods but hammers me to death at a motox track or on bumpy straights (not to mention the hard bottoming on the face of jumps and landing).
1. do I get aftermarket suspension parts like gold seal (i think that is what it is.) Will it really make that much of a difference
2. or do I spend much more and get a new/used 2002 YZ 250.

ps. I am partial to Yamaha's. I have ridden many others, and Yam fits me nice. though, I do like the way a CR carves a line and the suspension on a modified KX...... oh yeah, I don't race, but ride hard and am 40yrs old.

any words of wisdom???????


Third World Racing Team member (don't throw that away, we could make something out of it!!!)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
Hmmm try posting this in the suspension forum, Jeremy is a pretty smart guy if you ask him. I know he will set you up with everthing you need just PM him and let em know.

Why get a new bike if you love the one you have? Unless you are really thinking you want a new bike that's when you have to make that choice


Sep 13, 2001
good point. i would move it to the suspension forum, but i seem to not have the ability. DRN admin, could you help?? and move this for me???
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Sep 13, 2001
Doen't anyone have an opinion? I know the suspension is old, but will aftermarket parts come anywhere near current bike technology?????


Sponsoring Member
Jan 29, 2001
(2) things..

1-If you like your bike in all aspects except for the suspension, get a fork and shock revalve. Tremendously cheaper than a new ride.

2-If you want, you can delete this post and recreate it in the suspension forum without much need for Admin Interaction.

I think Jeremy would probably be the one to check with for recommended mods and associated costs. Good luck.

Heres Jeremy's Site:




Sep 13, 2001
Thanks, I think you are right.

I sent Jeremy a PM and will see what he says. I had the forks revalved, but did not have any aftermaket parts included. the revalve was better than stock, but was limited by the age of the equipment. also, thanks to the revalve, I am riding harder and think I need to go to the next level (suspension wise).

guess i will save my $ and buy a new 2-stroker before 2006. that should keep me happy for my ageing years............

funny how picky I become as I get older..........................:)

owner/operator of third world motox park, have tractor will move dirt.
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