V-force2 vs. Boyesen RAD valve


Oct 7, 2003
Hey, please tell about your experiences with the Rad-valve and/or the V-force. I know a coupple of guys using V-force 2 reeds, some of them is not satisfied with their performance (kx125'03) and I tend to think a little more about the Boyesen unit for a 250...

well, what do you think? :uh:


Nov 17, 2001
I used them both on my 97 YZ 250.

I found both of them difficult to jet. I ended up replacing main jets, needles and pilots.

The performance improvement was very small or nothing. The bike may run slightly better atl ow revs, but who is to say a carefully jetted stock bike would not have offered the same improvement?

Both of mine went on ****. Honestly, if someone gave me one of each, I doubt I would bother to install them.

Sorry, but boyesen reeds mounted on the stock cage is about as good as it gets.


Thinks he can ride
Dec 2, 2001
Ah, obviously you haven't read Steve's review of the new V-Force 3. It is supposed to make an actual improvement on top end and overrev without loss anywhere else.

As for the jetting, I know that some people have had problems but I haven't had any. I mainly had to lean out the pilot a bunch. Rcannon is bitter against any aftermarket reed valve for this reason, but Bclapham is even more so, he went through hell trying to get his bike to run right with it. :) :) :)

Porting is probably a better bang for your buck mod though.


Sponsoring Member
May 27, 2000
Have installed more than one, had zero problems with any of them. All of the serious racers run V-Force as they're considered a bit better than the Rad valve. No jetting changes needed on either a CR250 or a YZ250 raced in the midwest. I think maybe RCannon's bikes had other problems and that explains his results. As with anything intended for racing, you've got to start out with a fresh motor, good seals, correctly jetted. Yes, you will notice a performance improvement, especially on a 125. Broader powerband with a bit more hit to it is what I got.


Nov 17, 2001
My bike did not have any other problems. The top end was new. No ignition issues, nothing. I dropped both products in and thats is the only trouble I ever had. Heck, I even asked Bruce for jetting help!

The 3 has me wondering......

I did later find out the cylinder I was running at the time had been ported. Still, the jetting before the valve mods was very close. I may borrow the one out of Richards bike while he is not looking. Studboy has so many cool toys, it may take him weeks to notice!

God knows I do have the jets to cover such a change. I have more jets and needles than some multi line motorcycle dealers. Plaza Cycle comes to mind, but thats a different story!

Maybe I am just getting old. I found myself wanting to yell "get off my lawn" to some kids last night. Obviously, I stopped myself. I came in and played video games for an hour to recover.


Thinks he can ride
Dec 2, 2001
Roland's bike did seem to have a low end richness that would not go away with the valve. The bike ran awesome, but it would never burn clean. I can vouch that everything was OK with his bike, you just could never clean up the jetting all the way with the valve.

If you want to hear a true horror story about V-Force, then read this thread. http://www.dirtrider.net/forums3/showthread.php?t=81258
One man almost went insane trying to get his bike to run with one.

And Rcannon, you are commended for not yelling at the kids. Unless that is, they were wearing their hats sideways and bumping gangster music. Did you ever try the V-Force 2 set at low tension? It makes a significant increase in low/mid power, but it feels a little bit flatter on top and will eat the reeds quick if you rev it hard a lot, so I switched it back to high tension.


Oct 7, 2003
Studboy, of course..I've read Steve's rewiev on the VF-3, but I guess the V-Force engineers has realised that every brand of 2 strokes has their own individual engine setup, and so all kinds of 2 strokes can't react equal to circa the same inlet valve.. I bet some engines benefit a lot more or less than others to the discussed products. I was just looking to find out what different people experienced with their different MX'ers :cool:
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