
Oct 22, 2001
I own & operator a motocycle apparel store. I cater to women and kids and have a really hard time finding womens gear. The new fox gear is nice and I do have it in stock. It fits pretty good, but really heavy (for me at least). Oneal is also making a new line which looks pretty good but I haven't seen it up close yet. I looked at the Vixen and wasn't impressed by the style and colors. I really liked the Femmegear line. I would really value a womens point of view. Let me know what you think and if there's new stuff out there stear me in the right direction.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
What about the MSR gear? It's their mid-grade line, so while it doesn't have the fancy logos everywhere, it's also less expensive. I like the set I have. I like the Vixen too--the fit and materials are wonderful, although their designs aren't going to appeal to everyone. Still waiting to see my MC Gear. I heard AXO will have some for next year, although I haven't seen it yet. Where did you see/hear about the ONeal gear? I hadn't seen it yet.


Oct 22, 2001
I don't carry MSR, but I'm sure it's good stuff. I am sure the Vixen gear is made well, I just didn't care for the looks. As for Axo, I haven't seen anything yet, but will ask my distributor about it. I saw the Oneal gear in their new catalogue this week. It's pretty sweet. I will be meeting with my rep. this week and will ask him to bring a sample for me. I am currently wearing Shift pants as they were the best fitting for me. I'm pretty petite and they didn't make me look like I was carrying a load and they are really comfortable. Thanks for your imput. I really appreciate getting the real riders imput. It helps me make good business decisions.


Jun 30, 2001
I personally don't care if it is women's gear or not. I put so much garb on underneath (kneebraces & pads) that you wouldn't know the difference anyway. I have worn Acerbis for 4 or 5 years now and every year the quality seems to get better & better. They are coming out with vented gear for 2002 I can't wait.



Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I know it shouldn't matter but I am just vain enough to be delighted in gear that is a tad more flattering. Some people have figures on which men's gear is flattering but I do not. :think The biggest real advantage to women's gear is comfort; no tight places to rub and bind and irritate, no baggy places to wrinkle and rub and irritate, especially in the rear area. My Acerbis pants--while very well designed and nice looking--bag up in the back and allow me to slide around too much.

The O'Neal stuff looks ok. I will have to order a set in to try out. Thanks for that tip, Motomom.


Oct 22, 2001
I received info that the Oneal gear will be out very soon. I understand the jersey is the same as the mens but the pants are fitted for women. I like that the womens gear is sized to cover everyone but the bigger companies need to have a bigger selection of colors. It is starting to look like the industry is starting to take the female riders seriously. This is one sport to me that gender mean nothing. I'm really hoping that Thor steps up to the plate now.

Even the guys are really vain about what they wear and how they look. It's mostly style when they just start out and the vets are all about fit and comfort.


Aug 13, 1999
Myself, I have not had a chance to see any of the new Women's Gear in person. Looked at some on the net but wasn't interested enough to actually buy any or to even track any down to try on.

Men's gear fits me fine. In normal clothes, women's pants rarely fit me and if I can get something that does fit, they are always too short.

I also don't buy gear unless I get a bargain discount closeout type of price. With 5 riders to keep in gear for dirt, snow and water and all the bikes, jetskis, snowmobiles and transport vehicles to maintain, we can't afford to pay full price for any gear. Besides, I like the challenge of bargain shopping! :) If I ever buy women's gear, it'll be when it's on the closeout rack just like all the other gear we buy.

I am not slamming you here motomom but, as far as the manufacturers starting to take women in this sport seriously - I don't really care. :eek: I will pursue whatever activity it is that I want to pursue, regardless of what other people think - as I always have.

IMO the real reason why they are making gear for women is to expand their marketing pool, which is perfectly acceptable - it is the American Way!


Jul 12, 2001
I've never tried the women's gear either. I wear hand me downs from a friend of mine...most of it is just fine. I'm short and small enough to fit in the larger kids gear, but I don't think it's as nice as the adult stuff.
The only pair of riding pants I've bought brand new are Answer pants for about $60....I'm a cheapo as well ...I'd rather buy parts!
One of these days when I have lots of extra money, I'd love to have a set of women's gear to compare...
And I'm glad everything's not in pink either :( I HATE pink


Jan 17, 2001
I have seen the women's gear for Fox and it seems to me that it is specifically designed for petite women. Not only vertically challenged, but extremely thin also.

Don't get me wrong, I am not fat, but average sized, and I would rather buy men's and have it fit properly than to worry about who is looking at me.

I also tried on the Acerbis chest protector---and IMO it was very compact in the torso area, but oversized in the arm area. Once again geared toward the vertically challenged woman rider.


Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by bbbom

I will NOT tell my bike you said that!!!!! :scream: :confused:

Is it REALLY pink? or just that flourescent red that looks hot pink?!
I tease Mark all the time about his cute pink CR500, and he gets REALLY MAD


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I think the women's gear is good in two ways:

It is more flattering, which I like, and fits SOME people better. I am fairly stick-like and curve-less but I do prefer the feminine cut of the brands I have tried. They are not much different but enough. With men's pants, depending on brand, I feel like I am constantly hitching it up, sideways or down. Plus pants in the waist size I wear are seldom long enough.

Second, it shows that manufacturers recognize us as a market! They know we're here! Yippee! I am a loud person (often obnoxious) and I don't like being ignored. That applies to any group I align myself with, in this case female dirt bike riders and racers. The more they realize we are a big group of people who sincerely love to ride, the more products we will see for us. We don't have to buy women's gear, but isn't it nice knowing we can if we like it? I think it is a big, big step toward being taken seriously.

Just my opinions! I like most of the women's gear I have seen.


Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by bbbom
Okay, it's the florescent red but I call it pink!

Tell Mark he should be proud to be such a manly man that he isn't afraid to flaunt his feminine side!!! :p :confused:

I actually called him in here to read it himself...for some reason, he was not even mildly amused he he he!!!
No, really, he says to tell you that at least you show great taste in riding red!


Jul 12, 2001
Firecracker, I totally agree, and wanted to state, (but forgot, given my short term memory loss!!) that what Motomom is doing is awesome...with the kids and womens gear :)
Manufacturers need to recognize that there are ALOT of women riding now, and respond accordingly...
It also needs to be priced competitively. I don't want to try any of it on, because I have a feeling I'd like to have it.
I'm short, and let's say a bit OVERLY curvy if you get what I mean, so if it's meant to fit vertically challenged THIN women, it's not gonna fit me!
I would just have to try it to see.
It IS nice to know it's there, and I'd love to support it if and when I am able to


Sponsoring Member
Apr 18, 2000
women's gear

I'm going to order a set of women's gear, I'm just waiting for firecracker22 to get all her reviews in. I've always shared gear with Tim because we're about the same height and size so we would usually have several pairs of size 30 pants around and just grab whatever's clean. That is, up until I bought my knee braces and had to have a pair of pants altered to get over my giant knees. I didn't realize I had giant knees until now! So what I'm looking for are the pants that have the most room in the knee area without being freestyle.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Well, it might be awhile--I am still waiting for my MC Gear, and have yet to talk to anyone at ONeal and Fox. I will though.


Oct 22, 2001
This is what I love about this sport. Everyone is different, but have the same love for the sport. I don't race myself, but my 2 kids do. In AZ, before I started the business, I had the hardest time getting the kids decent gear at reasonable prices. The one and only place I frequented, burned down. Then I started to ride (only as amusement of course) and the cost got totally out of hand. I am also a bargain shopper when I look for deals on kids stuff and womens stuff. I do the best I can at keeping the styles up to date, and still keep the prices affordable.

bbbom, I agree that the manufactures are making womens gear to make a buck, but that tells me that there is a need for it. Which also shows me that more and more women are into the sport then ever before in one fashion or another.


Sponsoring Member
Apr 18, 2000
consumer power - slightly off topic

Have you read "It's Not About The Bike"? It's the story of Lance Armstrong beating cancer and winning the Tour de France. Lance had just signed on with a new team when his cancer was diagnosed and his insurance company bailed on him claiming it was a pre-existing condition. One of his sponsors - Oakley - went to bat for him and told their insurance company to cover him. They started to say no and Oakley threatened to pull their account. It's an amazing story but the point is that there is a major difference between a company manufacturing equipment for a certain user group and actually supporting an athlete or group. I'm less likely to be loyal to a company that manufactures womens gear than to a company that is a sponsor of the WML.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
That's one thing I like about Vixen--I know they are involved with the WML, though not at what extent. They were also the first that I know of to come out and stick around. Sick racing was around first but they folded, and MC Gear hasn't been available for very long that I know of. Fox said they were the first and that's not true.


Oct 22, 2001
I agree totally on the WML. Thats why I was hoping that Thor (affiliated with Parts Unlimited) would get with the program. They are a very big supporter of the WML. I got to watch the WML for the first time at Washougal during the Outdoor Nationals and I totally enjoyed it as much as the mens races. The women had more obsticals to overcome due to the rain and track conditions and they were awsome. I must admit I'm not on top of the WML as I should be, but I'm learning more and more every day and I read all I can get my hands on.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
You were at Washougal? I got there just in time to watch the women race. That was some gnarly weather!! I was ALMOST glad I decided not to race. Still wish I had though. I will race some Washougal races next year! It's local for us up here in Seattle, only a 4-hour drive.


Oct 22, 2001
My 13 yo son raced in the 80cc 12/13 yo on Thur & Fri and their trainer (who is from Wash) qualified for the 125 class and finished 30th overall in his first Pro race. We took Destry Abbotts bike up for him and we all had an absolute blast. Unfortunatly Destry didn't qualify. That was my first National and I can't wait for next year. My little 12 had 2 broken legs and hung with a friend of ours who works for the Doc Marten team and he got to meet all the riders and hang with them. He was on cloud nine. As for myself, I parked my butt in front of the Bent Trailor and watched all the races and didn't move till they were over. I could care less who won, I just love watching the moves and David Vuillemins butt:D

Mrs. Vixen

Feb 11, 2001
Speaking of supporting women riders. I was very impressed to see that on the back of "American Motorcyclist" there was an add for the KTM 125 featuring a professional woman rider!

As an aside, If any of you are interested in seeing our idea for next seasons jersey please feel free to e-mail me. It is a little more refined than the thistle and I would love to get your thoughts about just what you all have been talking about, colors etc. Nows your chance to speak up and be heard!


Feb 28, 2000
Womens Fox Gear

I just wore the Women's Fox Gear for the first time at the HareScramble out at Airway Heights here in Spokane on Sunday. When I tried it on I was so excited that it actually fit me right in the hips and I didn't have balloon butt, or super baggy knees. :) It was comfortable and I felt that my knee guards were more secure under the pants cause I didn't have a bunch of loose material, the pants also fit better inside my boots. I still have my old answer pants but the womens ones just feel more comfortable, my roomates thought I was crazy cause I was so excited about how well they fit...they look nice too. I guess you could say that I am on the petite and vertically challenged side though...and I would be willing to try more women's gear....just wish they made some in red. :)
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