

Nov 15, 2006
I have some one coming to look at my xr 100 on saturday and today i took it out for a test ride and the bike vibrated like crazy. I tried to figure it out but im not sure wuts causing it. It sorta feels like the front wheel is wobbling but it isnt warped. Could it be bad wheel bearings. or could it be something vibrating in the transmission. I ran the bike with 10 30 oil for a while instead of the recomended 10 40. Could that have something to do with it. I cant really tell where the vibration is coming from. Has anyone else had a similiar problem with an xr 100. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


Nov 20, 2006
i gotta 2003 KTM 250 EXC and when i rev the thing, i almost wants to slide around on like a slick garage floor just from the vibration. i just figured that was cause the engine was so big, it was gonna vibrate a lil.
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