
Apr 15, 2003
Well another great area added to the book or ride's!

Just got back from a day of practice at Washougal, what a sick track! They're running a three day event there, 1 day practice and a 2 day PACWEST race. I only got in three 15 min. moto's for practice but it was worth it! Just to say I've ridden Washougal is coo, but to actually let the 520 sx rip around that tac-tac track was a whole other story. My favorite part of that track was the 200(?) foot downhill jump, you could go as big or as small as you wanted but man was it fun! Perfect soil(soft, no rock, and wood chipped a bit), well groomed, well watered (All day) and jumps that are decent size, but not any jumps to hurt the begginer to average rider such as myself. I still can't figure out those damn whoops though, didn't crash but man are my forearms swollen. Ah well, a day of rest and mechanical working's on the bike and back at it on Sunday for some nice trails! If your ever in the area(Washington/Oregon boarder) make sure you check practice schedules for Washougal so you too can ride a national track that kicks a$$!


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