Way to lessen impact to ankles when coming upshort


Nov 14, 2000
I was wondering is there a way to some how lessen the impact/force your ankles take when you land hard? I always stay loose when i'm landing but whenever I come up short usually get a sharp impact to my ankles is there a way to lessen this? other than not coming up short :moon:


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
other then the

obivious, "don't come up short" I would suggest trying different positions for your feet on the pegs. many riders ride with the heel locked on the pegs which radiates the hit directly up the leg. riding on the "balls" of your feet allows your ankles to bend in a some what normal arch. However in real bad g outs you could hurt the achilles tendon by over stretching that part of your leg. make sure you stretch alot before riding and how ever you land the bike when you come up short try to make the bike suck up the hit.


Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
or you could just bail, of coarse that seems to hurt worse. I agree with Wardy, try to stay on the balls of your feet but it is very improtant t stretch before & after a ride. Make sure your arms and legs are slightly bent so what your bike doesn't soak up it won't be such a shock to your body.


Nov 14, 2000
thanks guys i'll have to experiment with foot placement more I typically ride on the balls of my feet. I always strech out before I ride I'm amazed at how many people I see at the races who don't!

Big Tuna

Nov 29, 2000
Two things I can think of off of the top of my head are good boots with a stiff sole, and proper suspesion set up for your weight and the terrain you are riding in; these two things could have saved me a whole lot of grief last spring when I tore both achilles in half and broke my right ankle. My suspension was set up good for woods riding, but not for the track, I was wearing AXO RC 4's at the time, but now I've got Tech 8's and they offer 100% better support. Every situation is different, but in my situation I wish I would have bailed, and took my lumps on the ground. If you are going to stay with the bike I would recomend having the weight centered over the foot surgery and rehab on the achilles really sucks, and the wife does't seem to find the 8" scars on both ankles to appealing either :confused:
Before I start hitting anything to big this year I will be investing in extra wide foot pegs also.


Nov 14, 2000
LOL !! Thats what I'm currently wearing! I've had the boots for like two years now so its time for some new boots.


Jul 30, 2001
Give it some gas when you land also and keep the peg in the center of the foot. Got to watch those achillies tendons. I wasted one of mine when I cased a jump and my toes were the only thing on the pegs. Folded the old ankle and drove my heal into the top of the jump and snap broke a couple of bones too. Long rehab lot's of pain.
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