way to make a clutch holding tool...?


Nov 14, 2000
Is there a way to make or fabricate your own clutch holding tool or something I can buy like from an auto parts store that will work? I don't want to really have to buy the special tool from the dealer for something I might use once maybe twice. Is it easier to do if I keep all the plates in place instead of removing them?


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
If you are trying to remove the center nut, I would keep the plates in and use an impact wrench; no holding tool required.
If you don't have access to the impact wrench, try using pennies between the primary gear and the clutch. I've even heard of people using rubber doorstops in place of the pennies.

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
papakeiths right on use an impact.UIt is the easiet method.

but there is a very easy way to make the tool.
If you have old plates liying around?
or you can buy two new plates for this.

Take one steel/alum plate-
and one fiber plate.

make sure they are lined up for inner and outer basket and drill four equally spaced holes. ( the size for a small rivit)
then rivit the two plates together , instant special tool. ;)


Nov 14, 2000
Yes exactly what i'm trying to remove is the center nut, I don't have an impact wrench but I could probably get access to one. How would you use pennies? The nut is torqued at 58 ft lbs. I don't want to damnage the stock parts I'm doing this to install a hinson basket.


Nov 7, 2000
You would put the penny inbetween the gears on the basket and the primary and it would keep the basket from moving. The copper being a soft metal would stop it from moving, but not damage the teeth on the gears. I would think that unless it was a realy hard rubber than the teeth would chew it up and then could leave small pieces to float around in you engine. With either method I would check and make sure that no small pieces are left in the engine.


Nov 4, 2001
I've never used the penny method, but I have stuck wadded up raggs between the gear teeth to hold things steady. And it's been a while since I had to do a clutch removal, but I seem to remember putting a piece of wood in the rear sprocket, putting the bike in gear and using the rag trick to remove the nut .. The trickest tool I had for the clutch came with a 72 CZ I used to have.. The tool looked like a clutch plate with an arm on it that held things in place..

Durt Cycler

Trial Subscriber
Nov 13, 2001
I removed a clutch basket by using a Craftman strap wrench. You must first make sure there is no oil on the clutch basket and you put the strap wrench on (better with 2 people) and take the nut off.:)


Dec 21, 1999
Before I got mu impact tools, I used a large oil filter wrench with a rubber collar in it that you can get from Big Lots for $4.99. Works well, just turn it around depending on weather your putting on or off.


May 10, 2001
get anouther guy, have him sit on the bike and hold the kick started all the way down. this will stop it from turning. thats how we did it on my bike. :confused:


Oct 24, 2001
Haven't done this myself, but I have read posts that state that this works. Put the bike in 5th gear and have someone stand on the rear brake pedal. This locks the transmission in place, hence the clutch basket is locked in placed.

What I did before I heard of this method:

Bought a large square face vise grip (used to clamp wood, $21 at Sears). Ground the round tips down to flat head screwdriver tips that fit easily in the clutch basket slots. I have a homemade bench grinder (old 1/4 hp motor with a grinding wheel).

This modiified vise grip can still be used as a wood clamp.

In place of an impact wrench.
Use a 1/2" drive racket with a 2' piece of steel piping as a lever extension.

Worked for me.


Nov 14, 2000
Okay guys thanks for the info I used AJ's technique and will use a penny to hold the gears when it go's back together.
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