
Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
Sounds good to me, I need to rejet my bike though, after I bent the FMF and put the stocker back on I'm way too rich.

How are you liking the new power from the husky dennis?

Bill Hibbs

Aug 25, 1999
Rich is in on Sunday but he couldn't be down there till 10 or so. He has to work. You could at least get a few hours in Dennis if we got there at 10. I guess we're planning on doing that enduro in Jackson County Auguest 12th too.


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
really bill?
I had planned on running it but I'm not so sure if I would make it or not. I think I might be more gung ho about it if I knew I wasn't going to die of exhaustion during it.

Bill Hibbs

Aug 25, 1999
I doubt you'll DIE, :) . Besides, these are your stomping grounds. Should be a good time. I'm in it for the fun, not the competition. I think I just got permission from the wife so I'm pretty sure I'm doing it. Hopefully it will be a little cooler though.


Nov 12, 2000
I will be in for the Enduro as well. I think I will be riding with Brian on this Saturday, My wife has a horse show in Athens on Sunday so I will have the kids. Tim


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
Hey bill,
I'm wondering if you have anyone else riding with you other than rich, is there a possibility we could get on the same minute. I don't have a timekeeping device (other than a watch) and it'd be cool if I could just TRY to keep up with you guys. I'm checking into getting my AMA card, do you have any idea what the entry fee is?

el presidente

Dec 21, 2000
gas crew?

hey bill
do u guys already have a gas crew? If not i can do it, i was goin to run a check but the thought of gassing jeff at his first race is too appatising (s.p). i wannna hear jeff roll in the gas and be saying (in what voice he has left) "KILL ME, KILL ME NOW!!!!!!!!":p . let me know, i would love to gas yall

Bill Hibbs

Aug 25, 1999
Nah, No Gas Crew. I imagine we'll all be sent off at different times. I have no chance of hanging with Tim anyway and could only hang with Rich for the first 20 or 30 miles if I'm lucky. I think Tim got 3rd or something in the Chillicothe enduro and it was a tough one. I don't have a clock or anything either. I'll just assume I'm running behind. ;)

Dennis, I'll let you know when we'll be there. We usually park at that first lot at the entrance of Door Run.


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
well it's kind of a moot point really, looks like I'll be gas crew as well as there's no way I can get my license plate and insurance in time (and still afford the entry fee). I don't know where the dorr run parking area is, can anyone shed some light on this.
What time will you be there dennis, it'll be myself and daniel unless jason can beg borrow or steal a bike.


Feb 20, 2001
Ok I'm planning on being there around 7-7:30.
Jeff I sent you an e-mail any question let me know.
Should be 2 maybe 3 riders with me.

Bill Hibbs

Aug 25, 1999
I spoke with Rich and we'll be there at 10:00. YOu guys can ride the main loops and stuff and Rich will take us through all the "off the map" stuff. You'll love it. Plust there's a lot less traffic on these trails.

Jeff, for what it's worth, I heard from a guy that did this enduro last year that people were doing it on MX bikes and they were Very leniant with the license plate thing.

See ya then!!


Nov 10, 2000
Have fun on Sunday guys. I wish I could make it but 2.5 hours is too much to drive by myself... Maybe I'll see some of you at Perry in 2 weeks.

el presidente

Dec 21, 2000
bill let me know if u need a gas crew then, and ill do it. also if u want i can see that u, rich and ur other buddy are on the same row, i belong to the club. let me know


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
hey dennis,
I'm planning on being at the parking area around 7:30ish sunday, I'll look for your truck as I'm going up through there.


Feb 20, 2001
Ok Jeff. I'm leaving around 6 in the morning. Have to stop and get some gas should be there around the same time.

Bill Hibbs

Aug 25, 1999
It was a Great Ride! We ended up riding for over 6 hours. That means poor Dennis rode for 8 !! I think he's going to have a long day at work tonight. ;) We talked Dennis into going out with us one more time. We ran into a couple of his buddies who decided to do a little exploring on Accident. 4 hours later we finally made it back to the Trucks. :) It was a good ride though. No serious crashes. I don't think they'll think of Wayne as a wide open Quad highway again though.

Great ride guys!

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
would like to look @ a map?

anybody be willing to give direction? sound like a fun trip© but would like to take a closer look at a map!
Last edited:


Feb 20, 2001
Jeff and I got started a little before 8 and rode until 9:30. All easy stuff. Got back to the truck and was kicked back when Bill comes in, talked to him a few minutes and the in comes Rich. Everybody gets ready and away we go following Rich. Rich is a very fast and smooth woods rider, so it was'nt long before he was gone. The trails were tight with rocks, roots and mudholes. Rich loves hills. First hill not to bad , just has a log about half way up. Make it no problem. Next hill is long, steep covered with rocks and roots. Rich and Bill are up and gone when Jeff and I get there. Jeff takes off and gets halfway and looses it, back down he comes and tries it again. Gets about 3/4 way up and launches it. Back down he comes, by this time Rich and Bill are back down and Rich says he knows a easier way. Well I gotta try it first. I try a differant line, get about 1/2 way and dump it. So we go the easy way. Don't get much farther when Jeff's clutch cable brakes. So back to the trucks. It's now 12:30 ( I have to be at work at 9:00 pm Sunday nite) So I decide to go with Rich and Bill to the bridge, maybe 14mi. We're riding along at a good pace when we pass 2 riders going the other way. One of my riding buddy's on his new 426 and a friend of his that he sold his kdx. From this point on it went down hill.It was the first time for the boy on the kdx. Get up the big hill and off we go. I wait for the kdx which gives the other 3 guys a chance to get way ahead, come to a split in the trail, I go left. Wrong should have gone right, stop to turn around and the kdx keeps going. Down a nasty little hill, trail splits again. I stop and wait. Here comes Rich from behind us, still don't know where kdx went, off goes Rich looking for him. Finally get everybody together. By this time I'm beat. It's like 90 degrees out. Get up the hill and head back. I.m so tired I can't get my fat tired wore out butt up off the seat.Going up a small rocky hill and I lose it, crash into the embankment, bike laying on my leg. After about the third attempt I get it up and start to turn it around and I drop it over again. Finally get it up get it started and get back. Get home unload the bike, wife has supper ready, eat, take a shower and go to bed for a hour and a half. Get up go to work. I have'nt been this beatup or tired for a long time. WHAT A GREAT RIDE. ;)


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
I agree, great ride, darn my luck with cables anyway :)
I think that sometime during one of my many many trips to the ground I tweaked my wrist, it hurts like a devil today.

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