Welcome to the Team and Thank You!



My Pleasure to Help...

I've already taken so much information and joy from this site that I feel privileged to help out. :cool:

Thank you, Okie, for such a wholesome place to spend some of my time. (actually, I should be working!) ;)


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Wow, how cool is this?

I feel so welcome coming back to DRN.

You guys and gals are by far the most outstandingly best people on the planet. I would like to say that there isn't much else I'd rather spend my money on than this site (well, my bike does take priority). This is home. This is reality in a world where riding is everything and politics and special interest groups are taking that right away from us.

Right now, DRN is kicking butt in America and around the world. Keep it up, you probably have no idea just how important this place is for some of us.

It feels good to be here.....

Thank-you and God bless you all


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
This was a no brainer!

Whatever it takes to keep DRN going, I'm all for it! This site is the best around.
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