What can i expect


Mar 18, 2003
Went riding Saturday afternoon in the sand. Haven't rode in probably 2 months so i was excited to finally ride again even though it was sand (i hate sand) I was fixing to pull off and take a break when i got cross rutted and took a digger slamming my right shoulder into the ground. I fear now i have torn a rotater cuff or worse. I have an appointment for this afternoon to have it looked at, so we'll see. If torn RC what kind of repairs are there, how long can i expect therapy/recovery to last and finally, how much is this going to cost me?



Oct 28, 2007
sorry to hear this, but if you torn your rotator cuff, you will have to have surgery. believe me, about 3 months ago my dad wrecked and tore his, and broke 2 ribs. he was very sore after surgery, took him 6 weeks before he could move his arm completely behind his head, but everybody heals differently. hope you get through this though, you wont be riding for a loooooooonnnnng time.


Mar 18, 2003
I guess im OK, X-rays didn't show any fractures or breaks and i've regained about 90% movement in that arm. Doctor said if i still have a lot of pain in a week or two an MRI will show any tissue damage. He said only about 10% of the time do they repair tissue damage so hopefully i'll be good to go in a few weeks!
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