what manntiance do i do on my newly purchaced kdx 200


Jul 17, 2002
i just got a 1994 200 and need to know what kind of routine maintnance i need to perform for it to run in tip top shape for as long as possible. the things i can think of off the top of my head are:
1)clean bike thouroughly after every ride and oil chain
2)change case oil after every 10 hours
3) clean air filter after every few rides depending on conditions
4)inflate tires to 15psi before rides

what am i missing? oh yeha and how do yall prevent flats, i end up in thorn bushes and cactus all the time:(

all help will be appreciated. oh yeha how often should i change the plug?


Jul 14, 2000
i always check for rim damage and make sure the spokes are in good shape.. . before every ride i put wd40 on just about every moving part on the bike. . . buy a repair manual.. it will tell you everything you need to do and how often to do it.


Dec 4, 2001
1st.... You should inspect is the swingarm bearings. They tend to fall to sh!t after a while. Pivot Works makes replacement kits if they are totaled, which they probably are if they haven't been greased at least 1x a year.

2nd.... Feel for play in the wheel bearings. Rock tire side to side with bike on stand.

3rd.... Change your brake fluid front and rear. Its cheap and easy. Check pads.

4th.... Change your tranny oil. Run around your street a little with new oil in and change it again. Again, cheap and easy.

5th.... Check air filter for cleanliness and tears. Make sure there is ample grease to seal the filter to the box. While your there toss that lid. Your bike will breath better.

6th.... Pull the gas pecock and make sure the screens are clean. Blow them off with carb cleaner if dirty.

7th.... If you have a aftermarket silencer, pull packing and check it. Make sure you have new packing before you do this.

8th.... Pull pipe and check that there is the brass washer between the pipe and the head. No washer can wear a hole in the head.

9th.... Check spokes. If you dont have a spoke clicker, tap on them with size wrench that you use to tighten them and turn them all until you have a uniform sound by tapping on them. Base the sound from how the majority of them sound. Its kinda crude, but it works. Have penetrant nearby.

10th.... Check for chain wear and tightness. Are your sprockets worn to sharp points?

11th.... Pull carb and reed cage to inspect the reeds. If the reeds are chipped or otherwise, you will have a hell of a time tuning your carb.

12th.... Inspect your KIPS valve for correct movement. Consult your manual for this procedure. If it is broke, because it will break with lack of PM, you will lack power. Alot of power.

13th.... Inspect plug. If its a cheap stock plug, put it aside for emergency use and install a new one. My motto again, cheap and easy. Unless you use the EVX plugs that I run. They are worth it to me.

14th.... Torque all essential fastners to the specks in your manual. Alot can happen in 8 years. Use blue locktite on neccesary bolts and nuts.

15th.... Is there cotter pins where there should be? In good condition?

16th.... When was the last time the suspension oil has been changed. If you havent done this before, have a shop do it for you. Bad oil gives you a crappy ride and wears out your seals. Most people have their suspension serviced once a year.

17th.... Check your race sag. Sag is different for riders of different weight.

18th.... Check for play in your steering head bearings.

Like KTA said, get a manual right off the bat. Clean your bike well before going thru this list. It makes it easier to work on a clean bike.

I hope this isnt overwhelming, but it needs to be done if you dont know the exact history of this bike. Even if you got it from a friend, working on the bike will familiarize you with your new woman, and its fun anyways. If you can do all these things you will have a baseline to go from when future problems arise.

Good Luck.

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Jul 17, 2002
thanks, thats all very helpful, ive got my sat morning planed out now.

what can i do about the flat problem? i was thinking about getting freestyle bike tires (bibycle) and cutting the casing off and using it as a tire liner? good ar bad, any suggestions?


Dec 4, 2001
You could use the solid sore insert called Mousse to control flats, but they are a pain in the ass to install. Other than that, maybe some Tire Slime.



Jul 17, 2002
i went to the local kawasaki dealer and picked up almost 100 bucks worth of lube and oil for the next "tune up". my fork seal is going so i got shock oil, case oil, chain and pivot oil, break oil, air filter oil, a spark plug and a few other odds and ends. im going to hit up a tune this weekend after i clean the bikke with my tooth brush!! :)

thanks guys, ill use all fo your suggestions. as for flats, im going to get a few freestyle bicyce tires and cut out the casing and use them as tire liners, they are very thick and free! this will proably add some weight to my wheels therefore slowing me down a little bit but im not a racer and my 200 is fast enough for me.


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