
Nov 5, 2005
Alright guys, i thought it over long and hard, Now i am going back to a thumper. But i was wondering what one should i go for? I use to own a yz250F i like'd it alot but it had problems alot too. I really want to stick with honda but i dont have 3000 - 4000 for a crf since i think they came out in like 2003? Not sure on that though. What ever my 250 does is all the money i have.

Im 6'1, 200 lbs, i ride trails/ race with my buddies, we do go to the track sometimes too. Im probably going to be spending around 2000-2500, But like i said it all depends. So any ideas on what thumper would be good for me. I really want to try a suzuki out but i dont know much about them.

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May 2, 2006

Sorry I can't help you but, I was wondering about some things in your post. If you used to have a YZ250F why did you get rid of it and get a 2-stroke? Also, if you don't know anything about Suzuki why would you be leaning towards getting one? I would save your money and stick with the 2-stroke you have now.

Thanks for your time.




Nov 5, 2005
Well, i always see suzuki's where i ride, and i hear good things about them. But i never owned one. Im kind of a bike whore, i like to try everything to i found somthing i love and dont want to part with. The reason i sold my yz250F is because the person ripped me off, the bike ran good for the first ride but then all of a sudden 100000 million problems with it that they didn't tell me about. So i just sold it to my dealer, and i found the 250 which was a steal. I never road a 2 smoke and i thought it would be good for me. Well now that i have owned it for about almost a year, i see that its not for me, i like my 4 strokes. And since my friend got one, and i road it, i fell in love again even though he ride's a yz400F, which i dont like yamaha's older one's for some reason. But yeah i was looking into a newer kx250F or RMZ250, but should i do 250 or 450? My dad own's his own car lot and he says they sell bike's cheap as hell there. He saw from 2002-2006 all brands for hella cheap. He was telling me about a 2004 yz450f for like 2500. He said his car lot almost bought about 30 of them one time since they were so cheap. So basically i have my choice at almost anything if we can find it at the dealer only auctions.

But yes im done rambling. But ive heard nothing but good things about the newer kfx's and rmz's
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