What would you do CC ?


Mar 3, 2003
If you remember the honda dealer gave me the wrong springs. They are the 98 XR400 ones and they are about 500mm long. The dealer refuses to exchange them coz its more than 14 days since I got them. Im only a light guy would that 30mm of extra spring or in my case spacer make a huge difference. Sorry to call on you all the time but "you da man":thumb:


Oct 14, 1999
My notes say those should be .38s, right? My guess is they will be just fine. An improvement over the oem .35s anyway (US 'H' spec).

What does 'light' mean? Besides, it's not all about the weight of the rider & his gear, but the riding style and conditions. The more aggressive the rider and the tougher the conditions the (generally) 'more' spring is called for. It's a matter of fit and balance.....not a particular number on your springs.

Keep your preload fairly low, especially if the spring is on the 'hi' side of your needs. I'd start at 5mm and maybe even experiment with less than that. That's a preload figure, NOT a spacer length.....that's clear? Sorry, don't know what you know, what you don't.

A 100mm oil level is generally considered correct. I like 110mm much better. That's a personal preference sort of thing. I just called the local (well..a couple hundred miles up the road) tuner that has done some work on my bike...he confirmed that 110mm (5wt) is fine by him.

You will be better served developing a set of opinions based on your own research/testing than doing what someone else tells you. In the case of that 'someone' being an expert in the field in question, maybe. My opinions are based on what I know (what I think I know sometimes) from what I've done and experimented with. Take care that what you read, hear, are told etc. at least makes sense to you. If it doesn't .... do some research to vet the answer or arrive at your own understanding of the matter.


Sep 22, 2003
I just put a set of .39 xrsprings in last week. On my 01 220 spinning the top caps all the way down on the rod gave me 5mm of preload with out a spacer. I'll check the preload again after a few rides to see if it changes.

Sandy Whoops

Oct 11, 2003
Hmmm. I just installed a pair of XR springs (p/n 51401-KCY-671) for a friend last weekend. These are the 96-97 springs. They measured 512mm, so I made up some 28mm spacers. Was shooting for about 10mm of preload, as the rider is 170 lbs suited up. Will shorten the spacers, if needed.


Mar 3, 2003
XR springs (p/n 51401-KCY-671) 500MM-ISH
XR springs (p/n 51401-KCY-761) 530MM-ISH
Thanks guys. Im about to pull em apart so Im sure the way to measure for preload will become apparent. Ive read about it a million times, just time to put it into practice. Ill try 5mm preload and with the 110mm oil level, that is from the top of the fork tube, spring out and collapsed? Am I even close?


Mar 3, 2003

Well the update is the Honda dealer rang me and said for another $30AUD they will re-order the 99XR springs. I don't really want to pay anymore money to them. They have cost me $150 already. Do you guys think its worth paying the extra money? I know its not much money really it just sucks paying $$$ for their error. Bottom line is I will pay the $30 if its worthwhile. I hate giving those thieves more of my hard earned cashola. I have 1 day to tell them what I want to do. If I try and sell them on an auction site I dont think I will recover the $120 they are willing to refund. Im 80kgs fully loaded ready to ride. Would the .38's be enough for my weight. I do a bit of jumping usually about 40-50 foot max.


Aug 7, 1999
Mate, if you are 80kg all kitted up, I reckon those .38's would probably be OK for you. As CC said, you'll notice a big improvement over the stockers. You won't want them too heavy or they'll end up being too harsh.

My opinion only for what it's worth.

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