whats the little secret thats helped you the most


Oct 21, 2004
Balancing my weight on the foot pegs while accelerating and braking has helped me the most. Frequent arm pump and not knowing if I will be nose high or nose low off of a jump, among others, are things of the past.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
panic reck...........oops i meant panic rev :boss:


May 8, 2001
on any track with a decent downhill...........gas it! its amazing how many people coast down these things.


Jan 10, 2004
Great Topic!!

I have a couple of really simple basic tips that I find usually get ignored by a lot of novice riders.

Sit up as close to the tank as you can on corners, if you consistently do this your corner speed and confidence/comfort will increase massively . it takes a little bit of extra effort to get yourself all the way up there but it is really worth it.

use your knees. when it gets really rough, stand up and grip your bike with you knees. you should eventually become so confident at using your knees that eventually you'll be carving the bike round corners of all shapes and sizes using your knees alone.

there basics I know but use em well and it makes all the difference.


Aug 31, 2005
Chili said:
Never leave the pits if it's following the words "I'll just go for one more lap"

wish I would have known that a few years ago...good advice!

If i'm behind a person that I just cant seem to pass when we come to the next corner I pull in the clutch (as i'm braking hard and diving under them)and hold it WIDE OPEN and scream the guts out of the engine,this forces the person to look back(which screws up their timing) or scares them into moving out of your way..... :boss:

Is this the "panic rev" i've been reading about?


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Panic rev is usually heard when someone hits a jump and is starting to endo or they know they are going to come up short.


Aug 31, 2005
Ahh I see,"been there"... :nod:
like 11 trillion RPM will get you a few extra inches....but hey...worth a try... :laugh:


Feb 21, 2005
stay loose. dont get all tightened up. and it helps to ride with other people. i havent hit a jump that i had to accomplish the "panic rev"...... yet. have fun riding. thats all we're out there for is to have fun, dont ride outta ur ability. thats all i can think of right now.


May 20, 2001
crazy4nitro said:
like 11 trillion RPM will get you a few extra inches....but hey...worth a try... :laugh:

It will not get you extra inches, but it will get your nose up a few inches if you're about to endo.


Oct 31, 2002
Set your bike up, especially the suspension, to suit your riding style and weight. Ride with people who are better riders than you are. If jumping, try and keep a steady throttle and start small. Ride often


Nov 22, 2006
The best tip i got for cornering was to drag the rear brake a little for off cambers and flat corners. Once you have the bike level let go of the beast and shoot out to the next corner. Sure beats controlling traction with the clutch especially on a two stroke


May 26, 2006
These only apply if you happen to be over 30;

Drop a couple Pamprin or Premsyn PMS pills about 20 minutes before the board drops. They're designed for the ladies' enjoying that time o' the month.

No cramps, arm pump is gone or minimalized, no 'puke/headache syndrome' and you'll sweat better, learned this one by accident. Better living thru chemistry!

Steal a few panty liners from your wife/and or girlfriend, cut them in half longwise and stick them to the upper foam of your goggles in the hot months.

These thin, flimsy, little strips of whatever will keep the stingin' sweat outa your eyes and mouth like you wouldn't believe, they'll soak up a quart of sweat and keep your goggles in place once they get moist. Just don't forget to peel them off before you put your goggles away or your gearbag will get a 'not-so-fresh' funk to it :)

Passing Trick;

When you've got the guy in your sights and you're close enough that he can hear you, start whooping and hollering then get on his back fender, quickly.

Most of us run moto or hare scrambles but occaisionally hit the other side. In Hare Scrambles, when someone behind you is whooping and hollering, he's telling you "Give me a line around you so I can pass without making you a new berm, I'm not in your class!!"

I've smoked so many guys doing motocross with the "Whoop!' trick :) Understand that once they LET you by on the gravy bottom line and figure out they've been had, the fights' on!

Handy Tip: Loudly laugh at them when you pass, screws their focus up! :)

Your Brain is the trickest part you own!!


Apr 16, 2006
Got a few tips here

1 when it gets hot muddy and slow, DONT PUT YOUR GOOGLES ON YOUR HANDLE BARS, I did in my first race and lost em'.
2.If your rear fender is zip tied on, tell the spectator who wont let you pick up your own bike and doesnt know where to grab, this results in a lost fender.
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